





引用本文:方开凯,黄廷林,张春华,周石磊,曾明正,刘飞,夏超.淮河流域周村水库夏季CDOM吸收光谱特征、空间分布及其来源分析.湖泊科学,2017,29(1):151-159. DOI:10.18307/2017.0117
FANG Kaikai,HUANG Tinglin,ZHANG Chunhua,ZHOU Shilei,ZENG Mingzheng,LIU Fei,XIA Chao.Summer absorption characteristics, spatial distribution and source analysis of CDOM in Zhoucun Reservoir in Huaihe Catchment. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(1):151-159. DOI:10.18307/2017.0117
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方开凯, 黄廷林, 张春华, 周石磊, 曾明正, 刘飞, 夏超
西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
关键词:  有色可溶性有机物  周村水库  吸收系数  光谱斜率  遥感反演  淮河流域
Summer absorption characteristics, spatial distribution and source analysis of CDOM in Zhoucun Reservoir in Huaihe Catchment
FANG Kaikai, HUANG Tinglin, ZHANG Chunhua, ZHOU Shilei, ZENG Mingzheng, LIU Fei, XIA Chao
School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, P. R. China
Based on the data of the absorption coefficient of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) from 24 surface water samples collected from Zhoucun Reservoir in Huaihe Catchment, we analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics of CDOM absorption coefficient, investigated the correlation between CDOM absorption coefficient and environmental parameters, and explored the possible source of CDOM in the reservoir. The samples collected from the reservoir were categorized into three different groups (storage port, transition region and main reservoir area), the absorption coefficients (a(355) and a*(355)) had a decrease process from the storage port to main reservoir area, while the S value exhibited an increased trend. Meanwhile, significantly negative correlations of the value of S240-500 were found with a(355) and a*(355), respectively, which may have implications for the remote sensing estimation of CDOM in this study. A significantly negative correlation between a(355) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration was conducive to the establishment of DOC remote sensing inversion model, and relationships between a(355) and aph(440) implied the potential contribution of phytoplankton metabolism and degradation products to the CDOM pool in the Zhoucun Reservoir. These results on the CDOM analysis made a significant contribution to the management of the Reservoir in the future.
Key words:  Colored dissolved organic matter  Zhoucun Reservoir  absorption coefficient  spectral slope  remote sensing inversion  Huaihe Catchment