





引用本文:胡小贞,耿荣妹,许秋瑾,蒋丽佳,林娜娜.太湖流域流经不同类型缓冲带入湖河流秋、冬季氮污染特征.湖泊科学,2016,28(6):1194-1203. DOI:10.18307/2016.0605
HU Xiaozhen,GENG Rongmei,XU Qiujin,JIANG Lijia,LIN Nana.Charactistics of nitrogen pollution of rivers flowing through different lake buffer strips in autumn/winter,Taihu Basin. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(6):1194-1203. DOI:10.18307/2016.0605
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胡小贞, 耿荣妹, 许秋瑾, 蒋丽佳, 林娜娜
中国环境科学研究院, 北京 100012
关键词:  湖泊缓冲带  富营养化  太湖流域  氮污染  入湖河流
Charactistics of nitrogen pollution of rivers flowing through different lake buffer strips in autumn/winter,Taihu Basin
HU Xiaozhen, GENG Rongmei, XU Qiujin, JIANG Lijia, LIN Nana
Lake Engineering Research Centre, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, P. R. China
In order to study the nitrogen pollution characteristics in rivers flowing through different lake buffer zones, thirty-two sites of four rivers flowing through the buffer zones of Lake Taihu were sampled and analyzed continuously from September to December in 2011. The results showed that total nitrogen(TN) reduced from outside to inside the buffer zones in rivers flowing through types of farmland, while appeared slight increase at lake estuary. As far as both the river flowing through the pond type buffer zone and the river through the village type buffer, the TN concentrations had nearly no change along the flow direction from outside of buffer zone to the inside of buffer zone, except a significant increase in the lake estuary area. However, the concentrations of all kinds of nitrogen along the river in the lake which flows through the ecological type buffer was reduced gradually. Among rivers flowing through buffer strips of four different types, nitrate nitrogen(NO3--N) was the dominant form of nitrogen element in types of farmland, aquaculture ponds and ecological, while NO3--N and ammonium nitrogen(NH4+-N) were both the dominant forms of nitrogen element in type of village zone. Both TN and NH4+-N showed significant positive correlation with the types of buffer zone. Pollution from these buffer zones discharged into rivers had a significant impact on the total amount and form of nitrogen. The ecological-type buffer zone has the best purification ability, with TN, NO3--N and NH4+-N concentration reduction rates were 60%, 53% and 61%, respectively.
Key words:  Lake buffer zones  type division  eutrophication  Taihu Basin  nitrogen pollution  inflow rivers