





引用本文:李钥,李秋华,陈文生,王安平,孙荣国,张垒,高永春,骆兰.贵州三板溪水库后生浮游动物群落结构的动态变化.湖泊科学,2016,28(2):340-349. DOI:10.18307/2016.0214
LI Yue,LI Qiuhua,CHEN Wensheng,WANG Anping,SUN Rongguo,ZHANG Lei,GAO Yongchun,LUO Lan.Dynamic changes of metazooplankton community structure in Sanbanxi Reservoir, Guizhou Province. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(2):340-349. DOI:10.18307/2016.0214
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李钥1, 李秋华1, 陈文生1, 王安平1, 孙荣国2, 张垒1, 高永春3, 骆兰3
1.贵州师范大学贵州省山地环境信息系统和生态环境保护重点实验室, 贵阳 550001;2.贵州师范大学化学与材料科学学院, 贵阳 550001;3.贵州省水文水资源局, 贵阳 550002
为探究三板溪水库后生浮游动物的群落结构及动态变化特征,于2012年11月至2013年8月枯水期、平水期及丰水期对三板溪水库后生浮游动物进行3次调查. 结果表明:三板溪水库共检测到轮虫19种(属),桡足类3种(属),枝角类7种(属),曲腿龟甲轮虫(Keratella valga)、螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochlearis)、中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops)、无节幼体(Nauplius)和长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)是主要的优势种. 从季节上看,3个时期后生浮游动物物种组成相似度均在60.00%以上,但总丰度出现丰水期(575.03 ind./L)、平水期(541.87 ind./L)、枯水期(373.28 ind./L)逐渐降低的趋势,从空间上看,大坝总丰度变化最显著,为26.62~245.27 ind./L,加池丰度变化范围为159.80~224.10 ind./L,南加丰度变化范围为122.56~169.96 ind./L. 总体来说,水库底层浮游动物的丰度相对于表层较低. 除枯水期大坝在水深40 m处丰度最高(平均丰度为3.54 ind./L)以及加池在30 m处丰度最高(平均丰度为32.70 ind./L)外,每个采样点的最高丰度出现在0.5~20 m水层,平均丰度在19.03~45.31 ind./L之间. 利用Shannon-Wiener指数和丰富度指数评价水质状况得到三板溪水库3个采样点在枯水期和丰水期为β-中污型,平水期除大坝为β-中污型外,南加和加池为轻度污染.
关键词:  后生浮游动物  群落结构  动态变化  三板溪水库
Dynamic changes of metazooplankton community structure in Sanbanxi Reservoir, Guizhou Province
LI Yue1, LI Qiuhua1, CHEN Wensheng1, WANG Anping1, SUN Rongguo2, ZHANG Lei1, GAO Yongchun3, LUO Lan3
1.Key Laboratory for Information System of Mountainous Area and Protection of Ecological Environment of Guizhou Province, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, P. R. China;2.School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, P. R. China;3.Hydrology and Water Resources Bureau of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550002, P. R. China
Sanbanxi Reservoir is a representatively deep plateau reservoir located in Guizhou Province. To investigate metazooplankton's community structure and their dynamic changes, the metazooplankton communities were investigated for the period from November 2012 to August 2013. In total, 19 rotifer species, 3 copepoda species and 7 cladocera species were recorded. Keratella valga, Keratella cochlearis, Mesocyclops, Nauplius and Bosmina longirostris were the common dominant species. The similarities of metazooplankton species composition between the three seasons were above 60%. The total abundance of metazooplankon appeared highest in wet season (575.03 ind./L), followed by the normal season (541.85 ind./L), and lowest in dry season(373.28 ind./L). In term of spatial pattern, the total abundance presented the greatest variations at dam site (from 26.62 ind./L to 245.27 ind./L), then at Jiachi site (159.80 ind./L to 224.10 ind./L), and the smallest changes at Nanjia site (from 122.56 ind./L to 169.96 ind./L). In general, the abundance in the surface was higher than that in the bottom, although with the exception that the highest abundance of the dam site was in the depth of 40 m and the highest of Jiachi site was in 30 m during dry season, the highest abundance in each sampling point appeared in the layer of 0.5-20 m with average abundance ranging from 19.03 to 45.31 ind./L in three seasons. The Shannon-Wiener index and Margalef index indicated that the water quality of Sanbanxi reservoir was of moderate pollution except for light pollution at Jiachi site and Nanjia site during level period.
Key words:  Metazooplankon  community structure  dynamic changes  Sanbanxi Reservoir