





引用本文:邓伟明,徐晓梅,陈春瑜,何佳,许迪,王丽.滇池表层沉积物铵态氮吸附特征.湖泊科学,2016,28(1):75-85. DOI:10.18307/2016.0109
DENG Weiming,XU Xiaomei,CHEN Chunyu,HE Jia,XU Di,WANG Li.Sorption and desorption characteristics of ammonium in the surface sediments of Lake Dianchi. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(1):75-85. DOI:10.18307/2016.0109
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邓伟明, 徐晓梅, 陈春瑜, 何佳, 许迪, 王丽
昆明市环境科学研究院湖泊水库中心, 昆明 650032
为研究滇池内源污染特征,2013年利用GIS软件针对滇池全湖布设36个采样点,采集表层沉积物,研究滇池表层沉积物铵态氮(NH4+-N)吸附特征,同时分析沉积物的理化性质对NH4+-N吸附特性的影响.结果表明:滇池表层沉积物对NH4+-N的吸附量在前2 h之内呈增长趋势,吸附速率较大,之后沉积物对NH4+-N的吸附量不随时间变化而变化,基本达到平衡,最大吸附速率均发生在0~5 min内;不同区域表层沉积物NH4+-N最大吸附速率平均值表现为:外海南部>湖心区>外海北部>草海,最大吸附量平均值表现为:湖心区>外海南部>外海北部>草海,吸附效率平均值表现为:外海北部>草海>湖心区>外海南部;沉积物对NH4+-N的吸附量与NH4+-N的初始浓度大致呈线性关系,并且低浓度下表现出很好的吸附/解吸特征;滇池表层沉积物NH4+-N的吸附解吸平衡浓度(ENC0)高于上覆水中NH4+-N浓度,表明沉积物中NH4+-N有向上覆水中释放的风险,沉积物在很长一段时间内起到水体污染"源"的作用;ENC0与沉积物中总氮、NH4+-N含量呈显著正相关,本底吸附量和有机质总量呈显著负相关,沉积物吸附NH4+-N主要受有机质的影响.
关键词:  滇池  沉积物  铵态氮  吸附
Sorption and desorption characteristics of ammonium in the surface sediments of Lake Dianchi
DENG Weiming, XU Xiaomei, CHEN Chunyu, HE Jia, XU Di, WANG Li
Research Center of Lakes and Reservoirs, Kunming Institute of Environmental Sciences, Kunming 650032, P. R. China
In order to study the endogenous pollution characteristics of Lake Dianchi, 36 samples were set in whole Lake Dianchi using the GIS exploring in 2013. Through collecting the surface sediment samples, adsorption characteristics of ammonia on surface sediments were studied and the influence of physical and chemical properties of sediments on the adsorption characteristics of ammonia was also analyzed. The results showed that the adsorption quantity of ammonia nitrogen on surface sediments of the Lake Dianchi showed a growing trend in 2 h and the adsorption rate was relatively high. After 2 h, the adsorption quantity of ammonia on surface sediments did not change with time and attain the basic balance. The maximum adsorption rate appeared during 0-5 min. An order of the average maximum adsorption rate of ammonia on sediments of different sub-lake waters was:the south of Lake Waihai>the center of the lake>the south of Lake Waihai>Lake Caohai. An order of the average of maximum adsorbent quantity was:the center of the lake>the south of Lake Waihai>the north of Lake Waihai>Lake Caohai. A order of the average adsorption efficiency was:the north of Lake Waihai>Lake Caohai>the center of the lake>the south of Lake Waihai. The adsorption quantity of ammonia on sediments showed a rough linear relationship with the initial concentration of ammonia. Under a low concentration condition, a good adsorption/desorption characteristic occurred. Through comparing the concentration of adsorption/desorption of ammonia on sediments and the concentration between overlying water and sediments, the results showed that the ENC0 of ammonia in sediments was higher than that in overlying water, indicating that the ammonia had the releasing risk from sediments to overlying water. These inferred that the sediments would play a role of the water pollution "source" in a long time. As ENC0 had the positive correlation with total nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in sediments and NAN had negative correlation with total organic matter, we recognized that the ammonia adsorbed by sediments was mainly influenced by organic matter.
Key words:  Lake Dianchi  sediments  ammonia nitrogen  adsorption