





引用本文:周起超,熊倩,李林,胡丽丽,宋立荣.经低温、低光处理的藻类在不同光强、氮磷浓度下的生理生态特征.湖泊科学,2015,27(6):1059-1066. DOI:10.18307/2015.0610
ZHOU Qichao,XIONG Qian,LI Lin,HU Lili,SONG Lirong.The physio-ecological characteristics of algae treated with low temperature and light intensity under different light intensity, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(6):1059-1066. DOI:10.18307/2015.0610
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周起超1,2, 熊倩1,3, 李林1, 胡丽丽1,3, 宋立荣1
1.中国科学院水生生物研究所淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室, 武汉 430072;2.云南省环境科学研究院(中国昆明高原湖泊国际研究中心)高原湖泊流域污染过程与管理云南省重点实验室, 昆明 650034;3.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
通过低温、低光处理太湖藻类后,研究光强、营养盐对水华早期藻类生长与组成的影响.结果显示:中光强(50 μE/(m2·s))下藻类生长状态最优,高光强(200μE/(m2·s))次之,低光强(5μE/(m2·s))最差;中、高光强条件下,样品中均检测到了绿藻与硅藻,且其所占比例有随培养时间上升的趋势,光强越高其所占比例越大,低光强下则未检测到绿藻与硅藻.营养盐添加实验中,N+P添加组的藻类生长状态最优,P添加组较好,N添加组次之,对照组最差,说明在水华早期N、P均限制藻类生长,且P的限制作用大于N;此外,还发现营养盐对水华早期藻类的群落结构有一定影响,添加N或(和)P后,绿藻与硅藻均被检测到.从水华早期控制角度看,降低光强与营养盐(主要是P)均能在一定程度上控制浮游植物生物量及其生长;采取降低入射光强的措施后可能会出现更耐受低光的蓝藻尤其微囊藻占据优势的情况,相对低的N、P营养盐条件亦可能使蓝藻占优势,若一定程度上升高N、P营养盐浓度可使硅藻、绿藻逐渐占据优势,这为水华早期的选择性控藻提供一定的借鉴意义.
关键词:  光强  营养盐  浮游植物  增殖  群落结构  水华早期  太湖
The physio-ecological characteristics of algae treated with low temperature and light intensity under different light intensity, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations
ZHOU Qichao1,2, XIONG Qian1,3, LI Lin1, HU Lili1,3, SONG Lirong1
1.State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, P.R.China;2.Yunnan Key Laboratory of Pollution Process and Management of Plateau Lake-Watershed, Yunnan Institute of Environmental Science(Kunming China International Research Center for Plateau Lake), Kunming 650034, P.R.China;3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P.R.China
The impacts of light intensity and nutrients on the growth and composition of phytoplankton(from Lake Taihu) were investigated after a treatment of low temperature(4℃) and light intensity(5μE/(m2·s)). Results showed that growth of algae under moderate light intensity(50μE/(m2·s)) was the best followed by high light intensity(200μE/(m2·s)) and low light intensity(5μE/(m2·s)). Green algae and diatom were detected under moderate and high light intensity, and the proportion of them increased with culturing time and light intensity, however, they were not detected under low light intensity. Meanwhile, nutrients enrichment bioassays were conducted under moderate light intensity to determine the influence of nutrient limitation on phytoplankton growth and structure during early bloom stage. The results indicated that algae grow better with addition of both nitrogen and phosphorus than phosphorus or nitrogen alone and neither successively, indicating that the growth of algae is sensitive to both nitrogen and phosphorus limitation, and is more sensitive to phosphorus in the early stage of blooms. Additionally, nutrients were also found to influence the structure of phytoplankton community in the early stage of bloom, as green algae and diatom were detected after introduction of nitrogen or/and phosphorus. These results implied that reducing light intensity and nutrients(mainly phosphorus) will reduce phytoplankton biomass and growth during early bloom stage. However, some cyanobacteria, Microcystis for example, which is low light intensity tolerance, may dominant after reduction of light intensity and nutrients. Green algae and diatom may dominate gradually with increasing the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations to a certain extent, which provided possible options for selective controlling during early bloom.
Key words:  Light intensity  nutrient  phytoplankton  proliferation  community structure  early stage of bloom  Lake Taihu