





引用本文:李旭,李峰,谢永宏,邓武军,曾静,侯志勇,陈心胜,邓正苗.洞庭湖荻-苔草群落交错带植被动态及影响因子——以北洲子洲滩为例.湖泊科学,2015,27(6):1020-1026. DOI:10.18307/2015.0605
LI Xu,LI Feng,XIE Yonghong,DENG Wujun,ZENG Jing,HOU Zhiyong,CHEN Xinsheng,DENG Zhengmiao.Vegetation dynamics of Triarrhena sacchariflora and Carex sp. community ecotone and determining factors in Lake Dongting:A case study in the Beizhouzi lake-shore. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(6):1020-1026. DOI:10.18307/2015.0605
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李旭1, 李峰1, 谢永宏1, 邓武军2, 曾静1, 侯志勇1, 陈心胜1, 邓正苗1
1.中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所, 亚热带农业生态过程重点实验室, 洞庭湖湿地生态系统观测研究站, 长沙 410125;2.湖南省水利厅, 长沙 410007
关键词:  群落交错带  多样性指数  土壤含水量  洞庭湖  北洲子洲滩
Vegetation dynamics of Triarrhena sacchariflora and Carex sp. community ecotone and determining factors in Lake Dongting:A case study in the Beizhouzi lake-shore
LI Xu1, LI Feng1, XIE Yonghong1, DENG Wujun2, ZENG Jing1, HOU Zhiyong1, CHEN Xinsheng1, DENG Zhengmiao1
1.Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Key Laboratory of Agro-ecological Processes in Subtropical Region, Lake Dongting Station for Wetland Ecosystem Observation and Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, P.R.China;2.The Department of Water Resources of Hunan Province, Changsha 410007, P.R.China
In recent years, the vegetation distribution decreased significantly in Lake Dongting due to global change and intensive human disturbance, and has induced significant concerning about the decrement of service functions. In order to reveal the vegetation dynamics and its dominant influencing factors of Triarrhena sacchariflora and Carex sp.community ecotone, we took Beizhouzi lake-shore as an example, and investigated the vegetation characteristics and soil environmental characteristics in the ecotone of T. sacchariflora and Carex sp.community in the Lake Dongting based on belt sampling method and indoor measurement. The results showed that: soil moisture decreased significantly along with increment of elevation. Total carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and pH had significant difference between these belts, while conductivity and total potassium displayed similar patterns. Vegetation species richness and diversity index decreased firstly and then increased along with elevation. Biomass of T. sacchariflora increased significantly along with elevation, while biomass of Carex sp.community exhibited increase firstly, followed by decrease with elevation. Canonical correlation analysis showed that soil moisture was significantly correlated with both biomass accumulation of T. sacchariflora and Carex sp., and vegetation species richness and diversity, indicating that soil moisture is the key dominant factor influencing vegetation dynamics in this ecotone.
Key words:  Ecotone  diversity index  soil moisture  Lake Dongting  Beizhouzi lake-shore