





引用本文:唐昌新,熊雄,邬年华,张晓航,邹文楠.长江倒灌对鄱阳湖水动力特征影响的数值模拟.湖泊科学,2015,27(4):700-710. DOI:10.18307/2015.0419
TANG Changxin,XIONG Xiong,WU Nianhua,ZHANG Xiaohang,ZOU Wennan.Simulation of the impact of the reverse flow from Yangtze River on the hydrodynamic process of Lake Poyang. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(4):700-710. DOI:10.18307/2015.0419
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唐昌新1, 熊雄1, 邬年华2, 张晓航3, 邹文楠1
1.南昌大学工程力学研究所\高等研究院, 南昌 330031;2.江西省水利科学研究院, 南昌 332029;3.南昌工程学院理学院, 南昌 330099
关键词:  鄱阳湖  长江倒灌  水动力分析  EFDC  水龄
Simulation of the impact of the reverse flow from Yangtze River on the hydrodynamic process of Lake Poyang
TANG Changxin1, XIONG Xiong1, WU Nianhua2, ZHANG Xiaohang3, ZOU Wennan1
1.Institute of Engineering Mechanics/Institute for Advanced Study, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, P.R.China;2.Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Water Sciences, Nanchang 330029, P.R.China;3.School of Science, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, P.R.China
The reverse flow from the Yangtze River is an important phenomenon of the Lake Poyang, embodying the interaction between river and lake. In this paper, a 2D model of the Lake Poyang based on the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code(EFDC) is established to study the hydrodynamic process, and the reverse flow from the Yangtze River is investigated in favor of the dye module and water age module.The reverse flow appears when the blocking effect of the Yangtze River becomes stronger than the basin effect of Lake Poyang. By calculating the critical flux of the reverse flow and contrasting it with the observed inflow,we propose a new discriminated condition for the reverse phenomenon,which can accurately predict the occurrence and estimate the flux of reverse flow,as validated by the observed data of three years from 2007 to 2009.Using this method to set colouring agent at the inflow of the Ganjiang River, the occupying areas from the Yangtze River are obtained by the simulation of 2008. The blocking effect and the reverse flow of Yangtze River are found to enlarge the water age by preventing the outflow of water from the lake, and the increased time can be estimated by comparing the simulated water age with hydraulic retention time.
Key words:  Lake Poyang  reverse flow from Yangtze River  hydrodynamic simulation  EFDC  water age