





引用本文:戴国飞,刘慧丽,张伟,廖兵,钟家有,陈宏文.江西柘林湖富营养化现状与藻类时空分布特征.湖泊科学,2015,27(2):275-281. DOI:10.18307/2015.0211
DAI Guofei,LIU Huili,ZHANG Wei,LIAO Bing,ZHONG Jiayou,CHEN Hongwen.Spatio-temporal variation of algae and eutrophic status of Lake Zhelin, Jiangxi Province. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(2):275-281. DOI:10.18307/2015.0211
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戴国飞1,2, 刘慧丽1, 张伟1,2, 廖兵1, 钟家有2, 陈宏文1
1.江西省环境保护科学研究院, 南昌 330039;2.江西省水利科学研究院鄱阳湖水资源与环境重点实验室, 南昌 330029
江西柘林湖是首批入围国家良好湖泊保护专项的示范湖泊.为揭示柘林湖富营养化现状与藻类时空演替特征,于2012年8月至2013年7月对全湖及主要入湖支流进行了周年采样分析,结果表明:柘林湖主要营养盐在地表水Ⅲ类以内,处于中营养状态.全湖藻类演替以蓝藻-硅藻交替为主,夏季以鱼腥藻和微囊藻为优势种,冬季直链藻、小环藻和针杆藻占优.藻类空间分布呈现西部高于东部、上游高于下游的特征,西部部分湖区夏季甚至出现了鱼腥藻水华.柘林湖3个大型饮用水源地中东渡水源地夏季也同样面临蓝藻水华问题,但蓝藻毒素未超标.在重点监测的4条柘林湖主要入湖支流中,3条支流的藻类夏、冬季细胞丰度均在1×107 cells/L以下,但烟港水的藻细胞丰度夏、冬季分别接近和超过该界限,应加以警惕并采取适当措施.枯水期水位变化、水体分层、较低的水体透明度和较长的滞留时间是影响柘林湖局部湖区蓝藻水华形成的关键因素.
关键词:  良好湖泊  柘林湖  藻类演替  蓝藻水华  生态安全  饮用水安全
Spatio-temporal variation of algae and eutrophic status of Lake Zhelin, Jiangxi Province
DAI Guofei1,2, LIU Huili1, ZHANG Wei1,2, LIAO Bing1, ZHONG Jiayou2, CHEN Hongwen1
1.Jiangxi Academy of Environmental Science, Nanchang 330039, P. R. China;2.Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment of Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Institute of Water Sciences, Nanchang 330029, P. R. China
Lake Zhelin in Jiangxi Province is among the first batch of demonstrative lakes in the "High Quality and Healthy Lake Plan" initiated by Chinese government.To study its spatio-temporal variation of algae and water eutrophication status, sampling sites in both Lake Zhelin and rivers flow into it were investigated from August 2012 to July 2013.The results showed that Lake Zhelin belongs to mesotrophic waters, with average total nitrogen and phosphorus concentration <1mg/L and <0.05mg/L, respectively.The development of algae in Lake Zhelin mainly shifted between cyanobacteria(Microcystis and Anabaena) in the summer and diatom(Melosira, Cyllotella and Synedra) in the winter.Cyanobacteria bloom happened in the west of the lake, with a much higher abundance than that in the east.There are three main drinking water sources in Lake Zhelin and one of them suffered from cyanobacterial bloom during summer.However, microcystin concentration in the drinking water was still far below the safety guideline 1 μg/L.The algae cell abundance in the three main rivers into Lake Zhelin was still low, and the algae cell abundance in Yangang River was near 1×107 cells/L in both summer and winter.The decrease of input water volume and water level in Lake Zhelin in dry seasons, stratification of the water column, low water transparency together with long retention time of the lake water were the main causes of the blooms in Lake Zhelin.
Key words:  High Quality and Healthy Lake  Lake Zhelin  algae succession  cyanobacteria bloom  ecological security  drinking water safety