





引用本文:王欢,袁旭音,陈海龙,许海燕,李正阳.太湖流域上游西苕溪支流的营养状态特征及成因分析.湖泊科学,2015,27(2):208-215. DOI:10.18307/2015.0203
WANG Huan,YUAN Xuyin,CHEN Hailong,XU Haiyan,LI Zhengyang.Water nutrient status and its controlling factors in the inflow tributaries of Xitiaoxi River, upper reaches of Lake Taihu basin. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(2):208-215. DOI:10.18307/2015.0203
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王欢, 袁旭音, 陈海龙, 许海燕, 李正阳
河海大学环境学院, 南京 210098
为了解太湖流域上游支流水体的营养状态特征及流域附近土地利用对水质的影响,选取了入湖水系西苕溪的10条主要支流进行了野外采样和实验室研究.研究结果表明,支流总磷(TP)、颗粒磷(PP)、总溶解性磷(TDP)、总氮(TN)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)、硝态氮(NO3--N)含量季节间差异较大,TP含量范围为0.033~0.205mg/L,PP含量范围为0.007~0.104mg/L,TN含量范围为2.014~5.921mg/L,NH4+-N含量范围0.021~1.659mg/L,NO3--N含量范围1.082~3.415mg/L,COD范围为6.5~15.5mg/L.总体上呈现为枯水期 >平水期 >丰水期.部分支流受到不同程度的氮污染.利用水质参数进行聚类分析,可以将10条支流分成4类,其水体营养特征与周围环境相联系.支流营养盐、COD的通量明显受流量控制,表现为丰水期 >平水期 >枯水期.土地利用类型的差异是导致其水质变化的主要原因,耕地和居民地主要起源的作用,林地和草地主要起汇的作用.在丰水期和枯水期,对各指标影响最大的土地利用类型为耕地和林地;在平水期,对TP影响最大的是居民地,而对TN影响最大的是林地.
关键词:  营养盐  COD  流量  土地利用类型  支流  西苕溪  太湖流域
Water nutrient status and its controlling factors in the inflow tributaries of Xitiaoxi River, upper reaches of Lake Taihu basin
WANG Huan, YUAN Xuyin, CHEN Hailong, XU Haiyan, LI Zhengyang
College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P. R. China
In order to investigate the differences of nutrient status of tributaries in Lake Taihu basin and the impact of land use on water quality, ten tributaries of Xitiaoxi River were chosen. Total phosphorus (TP), particle phosphorus (PP), total nitrogen (TN), ammonia nitrogen(NH4+-N), nitrate(NO3--N), chemical oxygen demand (COD) values of tributary waters were 0.033-0.205, 0.007-0.104, 2.014-5.921, 0.021-1.659, 1.082-3.415 and 6.5-18.5mg/L, respectively. The concentration of nutrients and COD had a significant temporal variation in the following orders:dry season >normal season >wet season. The tributaries were polluted at various levels. TN concentrations of waters were high in some tributaries. The tributaries can be divided into four categories according to the clustering analysis on nutrient parameters. Fluxes of nutrients and COD showed from high to low amount in the order:wet season >normal season >dry season, which indicated that they were mainly controlled by discharge. Land use was the most important factor affecting water quality in tributaries of Xitiaoxi River. Cultivated land, residential area had a positive impact on water quality, while there were negative correlation between water quality and the forestland, grassland. In wet season and dry season, cultivated land and forestland had the most important impact on nutrients and COD, while in normal season, residential land and forestland had the most remarkably important influence on TP and TN, respectively.
Key words:  Nutrients  COD  fluxes load  land use type  tributaries  Xitiaoxi River  Lake Taihu basin