





引用本文:刘佳明,张艳军,宋星原,袁迪,舒彩文,张素琼,邹霞.江湖连通方案的最佳引水流量研究——以湖北磁湖为例.湖泊科学,2014,26(5):671-681. DOI:10.18307/2014.0504
LIU Jiaming,ZHANG Yanjun,SONG Xingyuan,YUAN Di,SHU Caiwen,ZHANG Suqiong,ZOU Xia.Optimal discharge of pollution flushing in an interconnected river-lake network:A case study of Lake Cihu, Hubei Province. J. Lake Sci.2014,26(5):671-681. DOI:10.18307/2014.0504
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刘佳明, 张艳军, 宋星原, 袁迪, 舒彩文, 张素琼, 邹霞
武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室, 武汉 430072
江湖连通工程能够在短期内达到改善湖泊水质的目的,在国内外得到了广泛应用.但是,在保证改善效果的前提下,如何尽量节约投资和运行费用、确定合理的引水流量尚未得到充分的研究.以水环境质量改善后降低的污水处理费用作为工程经济效益指标,提出了成本和效益评估方法用以评估计算引水流量与工程经济效益、工程运行成本、净效益的定量关系,最后分析得到合理的引水流量范围和最佳引水流量,并利用基于DEM的二维水量水质数学模型来模拟分析水质改善效果.该方法应用于湖北黄石磁湖,在其水体连通方案的基础上,模拟8种不同引水流量工况,分析引水流量与净效益的关系曲线,计算得到最佳引水流量.结果表明:随着引水流量的增加,净效益先增大后减小,每次引水的净效益最大值为4.05万元,相对应的最佳引水流量为10.62 m3/s.本研究为磁湖及其它类似水域的水污染治理和成本控制提供了科学的参考依据.
关键词:  引水调控  最佳引水流量  水量水质模型  磁湖
Optimal discharge of pollution flushing in an interconnected river-lake network:A case study of Lake Cihu, Hubei Province
LIU Jiaming, ZHANG Yanjun, SONG Xingyuan, YUAN Di, SHU Caiwen, ZHANG Suqiong, ZOU Xia
State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, P. R. China
Interconnections of rivers and lakes, which can improve short-term water qualities in lakes, have been widely used in China. It is necessary to search for the reasonable discharge of pollution flushing in order to achieve the best flushing effect as well as the lowest cost. In this paper, the water environmental improvement effect of different flushing discharges is analyzed, using the two-dimensional water quality mathematical model based on DEM. Furthermore, the cost and benefit evaluation method is put forward to find the quantitative relation between pollution flushing discharges and project benefits. Based upon the Lake Cihu project, the pollution flushing discharges and project benefits curve has been obtained by simulating eight different flushing conditions. The results indicate that with the increase of pollution flushing discharge, the benefit first increases and then decreases, while the maximum benefit is about ¥40500, and corresponds to an optimal pollution flushing discharge of 10.62 m3/s. This study could provide scientific basis for pollution control and cost control in Lake Cihu and other similar lakes with the river-lake interconnection systems.
Key words:  Pollution flushing  the optimal pollution flushing discharge  hydrodynamic and transport model  Lake Cihu