





引用本文:周帆琦,沙茜,张维昊,詹颖菲,何君,杨弯弯,韩峰.武汉东湖和南湖沉积物中磷形态分布特征与相关分析.湖泊科学,2014,26(3):401-409. DOI:10.18307/2014.0310
ZHOU Fanqi,SHA Qian,ZHANG Weihao,ZHAN Yingfei,HE Jun,YANG Wanwan,HAN Feng.Distribution and correlation analysis of phosphorus fractions in the sediments from the Lake Nanhu and Lake Donghu in Wuhan. J. Lake Sci.2014,26(3):401-409. DOI:10.18307/2014.0310
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周帆琦1,2, 沙茜2, 张维昊1, 詹颖菲1, 何君2, 杨弯弯1, 韩峰1
1.武汉大学资源与环境科学学院, 生物质资源化学与环境生物技术湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430079;2.武汉市环境保护科学研究院, 武汉 430015
采用七步连续提取法,探讨了东湖子湖(郭郑湖、庙湖)及南湖柱状沉积物中的水环境特征、不同赋存形态磷的垂向分布特征及所占的百分比,并分析了各形态磷之间的相关性.结果表明:通过分析采样点水环境特征,发现郭郑湖和南湖间隙水中总磷含量均高于上覆水体,并有较强的释放趋势;而庙湖间隙水中总磷含量小于上覆水,有较大的沉积趋势.通过分析不同赋存形态磷的垂向分布特征,发现可交换态磷、铝结合态磷、铁结合态磷和有机磷这几种生物活性磷含量随着深度的增加逐渐减少,并且15 cm以下含量变化不大;而闭蓄态磷、碎屑磷和自生钙磷这几种相对惰性的磷含量随着深度的增加变化趋势不明显.从不同形态磷的百分含量的变化幅度发现,南湖的变化范围最大,郭郑湖其次,庙湖的变化范围最小.各形态磷相关分析表明,郭郑湖总磷的增加主要来自于无机磷,其次来自于有机磷;庙湖总磷的增加主要来自于无机磷中的生物有效磷,有机磷对其贡献并不大;南湖无机磷和有机磷与总磷的关系都非常密切.
关键词:  东湖  南湖  沉积物  磷形态  相关分析
Distribution and correlation analysis of phosphorus fractions in the sediments from the Lake Nanhu and Lake Donghu in Wuhan
ZHOU Fanqi1,2, SHA Qian2, ZHANG Weihao1, ZHAN Yingfei1, HE Jun2, YANG Wanwan1, HAN Feng1
1.Hubei Key Laboratory of Biomass-Resource Chemical and Environment Biotechnology, School of Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, P. R. China;2.Wuhan Environmental Protection Science Research Institute, Wuhan 430015, P. R. China
Water environmental characteristics, and distribution and the proportion of phosphorus fractions in the sediment cores from the Lake Guozhenghu and Lake Miaohu, sub-lakes of Lake Donghu, and Lake Nanhu, in Wuhan regions were analyzed using the seven steps of sequential extraction method. Correlation coefficients among sediment phosphorus forms were also analyzed. The results show that the total phosphorus content of the interstitial water is much higher than that of overlying water in both Lake Guozhenghu and Lake Nanhu, thus there is a strong releasing trend. However, in Lake Miaohu the content of total phosphorus of the interstitial water is lower than that of the overlying water indicating a trend of deposition. In terms of the characteristics of the vertical distribution of phosphorus forms in sediments, we found that these biological activity of phosphorus including Ex-P, Al-P, Fe-P, and Or-P were decreased gradually with the increases of depth. Below 15 cm, the content changed little, while the changes of several relatively inert phosphorus including Oc-P, De-P, ACa-P are not significant with the increase of the depths. The analyses of the percentage of different forms of phosphorus, the range of variation in Lake Guozhenghu was bigger than that in Lake Miaohu, and the change of Lake Nanhu was biggest among them. By the analysis of correlation coefficients, the increase of total phosphorus in Lake Guozhenghu mostly came from inorganic phosphorus, and then from the organic phosphorus. While bioavailable phosphorus in inorganic phosphorus was the major reason to the increase of total phosphorus in Lake Miaohu, the contribution of organic phosphorus was not obvious. In Lake Nanhu, both the inorganic phosphorus and organic phosphorus kept a close relationship with the total phosphorus.
Key words:  Lake Donghu  Lake Nanhu  sediment  phosphorus forms  correlation analysis