





引用本文:张超,高全洲,陶贞,陈晓宏,解晨骥,林培松,张胜华,李姗迟,李元.粤东五华河流域的化学风化与CO2吸收.湖泊科学,2013,25(2):250-258. DOI:10.18307/2013.0211
ZHANG Chao,GAO Quanzhou,TAO Zhen,CHEN Xiaohong,XIE Chenji,LIN Peisong,ZHANG Shenghua,LI Shanchi,LI Yuan.Chemical weathering and CO2 consumption in the Wuhua River basin,eastern Guangdong Province. J. Lake Sci.2013,25(2):250-258. DOI:10.18307/2013.0211
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张超1, 高全洲1, 陶贞1,2, 陈晓宏1,2, 解晨骥1, 林培松1, 张胜华1, 李姗迟1, 李元1
1.中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广东省城市化与地理环境空间模拟重点实验室, 广州 510275;2.中山大学华南地区水循环与水安全广东省普通高校重点实验室, 广州 510275
基于对粤东五华河干流和支流水体的物理、化学组成测试数据,应用质量平衡法和相关分析法探讨湿热山地丘陵地区岩石化学风化过程对大气CO2的吸收.结果表明:五华河水体的总溶解性固体含量(77.11 mg/L)接近于世界河流的平均值(65 mg/L);离子组成以Ca2+、Na+和HCO3-为主,可溶性Si次之.五华河流域化学径流组成主要源自硅酸盐矿物化学风化过程的贡献,碳酸盐矿物的贡献较少;大气和土壤CO2是流域内岩石化学风化的主要侵蚀介质.与同一气候带其他河流相比较,五华河流域岩石化学风化过程对大气CO2的吸收通量(2.14×105mol/(km2·a))较低,这主要是由于流域内缺乏碳酸盐岩所导致.
关键词:  硅酸盐矿物  化学风化  侵蚀介质  五华河
Chemical weathering and CO2 consumption in the Wuhua River basin,eastern Guangdong Province
ZHANG Chao1, GAO Quanzhou1, TAO Zhen1,2, CHEN Xiaohong1,2, XIE Chenji1, LIN Peisong1, ZHANG Shenghua1, LI Shanchi1, LI Yuan1
1.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Urbanization and Geo-simulation, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, P.R.China;2.Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Water Security in Southern China of Guangdong High Education Institute, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, P.R.China
Measurements of physicochemical components in the mainstream and tributaries of the Wuhua River system and application of methods of mass-balance and Pearson correlation analysis were conducted to investigate the atmospheric CO2 consumption caused by rocks chemical weathering processes in the subtropical humid mountainous and hill region.Results show that the average concentration (77.11 mg/L) of the total dissolved solids within the Wuhua River was close to that (65 mg/L) in the world rivers, dominated by ions of Ca2+,Na+ and HO3- and followed by dissolved Si;ions of Ca2+,Na+ and HO3- were characterized by the effect of runoff dilution.Chemical runoff in the Wuhua River was dominated by silicate mineral weathering,followed by carbonate mineral.Atmospheric and soil CO2 were major erosive mediums during rocks chemical weathering in the basin,with acids precipitation as the secondary erosive mediums.Comparatively,the atmospheric CO2 consumption flux (2.14×105 mol/(km2·a)) by the rock chemical weathering processes in the Wuhua River basin is lower than that of the world.This is in agreement with the distribution of extensively rocks composed of silicate minerals,sparsely rock containing carbonate minerals.
Key words:  Silicate minerals  chemical weathering  erosive medium  Wuhua River