





引用本文:柏祥,陈开宁,任奎晓,黄蔚,陈效民,杨华.淹水环境中芦苇幼苗对两种底质的生理响应及其恢复状况.湖泊科学,2012,24(4):562-570. DOI:10.18307/2012.0409
BAI Xiang,CHEN Kaining,REN Kuixiao,HUANG Wei,CHEN Xiaomin,YANG Hua.Physiological response of Phragmites communis seedling to two types of sediment under submergence and its recovering growth. J. Lake Sci.2012,24(4):562-570. DOI:10.18307/2012.0409
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柏祥1,2, 陈开宁1, 任奎晓1, 黄蔚1, 陈效民2, 杨华3
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 南京 210008;2.南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院, 南京 210095;3.巢湖市环境监察支队, 巢湖 238000
探讨湿地植物对淹水的响应及其恢复生长状况对于湖泊湿地的修复具有重要意义.以芦苇(Phragmites communis)为对象,研究其在湖泊沉积物(LS)和农田土壤(AS)两种底质上完全淹水一个月内每隔5 d其叶片相对叶绿素含量(rChlc)、丙二醛含量(MDA)和叶绿素荧光特性的变化,并分别于淹水后的10、20和30 d对其恢复状况进行研究.结果表明:缓苗期间生长于LS上芦苇的rChlc和叶绿素荧光特性均高于生长于AS上的,淹水后rChlc逐渐下降,20 d后下降趋势更加明显,30 d时LS和AS上芦苇叶片的rChlc分别下降了40.82%和39.49%,MDA则逐渐升高,且生长于AS上的要高于LS上的;叶绿素荧光参数Fv/FmY也均逐渐下降,且总体上与rChlc的变化呈显著正相关;LS上芦苇叶片的快速光响应曲线(RLCs)在淹水后缓慢下降,至25 d后下降明显,而AS上的则在15 d后即显著下降.淹水胁迫解除后,两种底质上芦苇的rChlc和叶绿素荧光特性均逐渐升高,总体上AS上芦苇的增幅大于LS上的,但LS上的各指标仍大于AS上的,而MDA逐渐下降,同样AS上的降幅要大于LS上的;随着淹水时间的延长,芦苇恢复到正常生长状态的时间有所增加,淹水30 d的芦苇叶片凋落并萌发出新叶和新的植株,同时LS上芦苇的恢复时间要短于AS上的.可见,淹水抑制了幼苗期芦苇的生长,且随着时间的延长其抑制程度逐渐加重;淹水时间短时芦苇能较快地恢复生长,淹水时间长时则需要长出新叶和萌发出新的植株来适应生长,同时营养状况良好的底质在增加芦苇耐淹性及加快其淹水后的恢复生长方面具有一定的积极意义.
关键词:  淹水  芦苇  叶绿素荧光  恢复状况  巢湖  底质
Physiological response of Phragmites communis seedling to two types of sediment under submergence and its recovering growth
BAI Xiang1,2, CHEN Kaining1, REN Kuixiao1, HUANG Wei1, CHEN Xiaomin2, YANG Hua3
1.State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;2.College of Resources and Environmental Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, P. R. China;3.Environment Monitoring Detachment of Chaohu City, Chaohu 238000, P. R. China
It's important to study the response of wetland plants to submergence and its recovery growth status for lacustrine wetland restoration. In this study, we revealed the varieties of relative chlorophyll content (rChlc), malondi-aldehyde content (MDA) and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Phragmites communis in submergence every 5 d during one month in two types of sediment (one from Lake Chaohu (LS), and the other from farmland (AS)), and its recovery status in 10 d, 20 d and 30 d after submergence. Results showed that, compared to AS, P. communis growing in LS had higher rChlc and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics during the rejuvenate period. rChlc decreased after submergence and obviously after 20 d, and further decreased by 40.82% and 39.49% in 30 d in LS and AS, respectively. However, MDA increased, and it was higher in AS than in LS. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm and Y both decreased, with significant correlation with rChlc varieties as a whole. The rapid light curves (RLCs) of P. communis growing in LS decreased slowly in 25 d, comparing to an obvious decrease in 15 d in AS. After submergence, rChlc and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of P. communis in two sediments all increased, with a greater range of the plant in AS than that in LS; however, they were both higher in LS than those in AS, and MDA had a same decreasing trend. It took longer time for P. communis to recover to the normal growth status with the extension of submergence, the leaves withered after 30 d submergence and sprouted new leaves and plant. At the same time, the recovery time was shorter of the plant grown in LS than that in AS. Consequently, submergence inhibits the growth of P. communis, and the inhibited effect is greater with the extension of submergence. It takes a short time for plant to recover to the normal growth status when in short submergence, and it needs to sprout new leaves and plants to adapt when in long submergence. Simultaneously, it's meaningful for P. communis to increase its submergence tolerance and recover growth after submergence when growing in sediment with relative better nutritional status.
Key words:  Submergence  Phragmites communis  chlorophyll fluorescence  recovery status  Lake Chaohu  sediment