





引用本文:边博,夏明芳,王志良,尤本胜,逄勇,常闻捷,王伟霞,蔡安娟.太湖流域重污染区主要水污染物总量控制.湖泊科学,2012,24(3):327-333. DOI:10.18307/2012.0301
BIAN Bo,XIA Mingfang,WANG Zhiliang,YOU Bensheng,PANG Yong,CHANG Wenjie,WANG Weixia,CAI Anjuan.Total amount control of main water pollutants in seriously polluted area of Taihu Basin. J. Lake Sci.2012,24(3):327-333. DOI:10.18307/2012.0301
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边博1, 夏明芳2, 王志良1, 尤本胜1, 逄勇3, 常闻捷1, 王伟霞1, 蔡安娟1
1.江苏省环境科学研究院, 南京 210036;2.江苏省太湖水污染防治办公室, 南京 210024;3.河海大学, 南京 210098
关键词:  太湖流域  重污染区  水环境容量  总量控制  削减方案
Total amount control of main water pollutants in seriously polluted area of Taihu Basin
BIAN Bo1, XIA Mingfang2, WANG Zhiliang1, YOU Bensheng1, PANG Yong3, CHANG Wenjie1, WANG Weixia1, CAI Anjuan1
1.Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science, Nanjing 210036, P. R. China;2.Jiangsu Provincial General Office of Lake Taihu Water Pollution Prevention and Control, Nanjing 210024, P. R. China;3.Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P. R. China
As industry and population increase rapidly, the pollution of water environment has become a main factor influencing the sustainability of economic development in Taihu Basin. In order to achieve the integrated development in economy and environment protection, the implementation of total quantity control of pollutant discharge is important. In the study areas of Meiliang Bay and Zhushan Bay, we made a comprehensive research on situations of area economy, industrial structure, landuse and status of pollutant sources. Nested grid hydrology model and water quality model have been established to calculate regional water environmental capacity and pollutant reduction. Based on the water function and water areas, the water environmental capacity was assigned to every town (settlement). Thus the aim of total quantity control in different periods of each town and the plan of control and reduction of main pollutants have been established. The solution of pollutant control of each source in different periods has been proposed. Qualifying rate of regional water quality in river network areas will reach 80% by the year of 2015 after the plan implemented. The plan will provide technical support for the water environmental management of Taihu Basin.
Key words:  Taihu Basin  seriously polluted area  water environment capacity  total amount control  reduction plans