





引用本文:刘忠华,李云梅,吕恒,徐祎凡,徐昕,黄家柱,檀静,郭宇龙.基于偏最小二乘法的巢湖悬浮物浓度反演.湖泊科学,2011,23(3):357-365. DOI:10.18307/2011.0307
LIU Zhonghua,LI Yunmei,LV Heng,XU Yifan,XU Xin,HUANG Jiazhu,TAN Jing,GUO Yulong.Inversion of suspended matter concentration in Lake Chaohu based on Partial Leastsquares Regression. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(3):357-365. DOI:10.18307/2011.0307
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刘忠华, 李云梅, 吕恒, 徐祎凡, 徐昕, 黄家柱, 檀静, 郭宇龙
南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室, 南京 210046
关键词:  小波变换  偏最小二乘法  高光谱数据  悬浮物  巢湖
Inversion of suspended matter concentration in Lake Chaohu based on Partial Leastsquares Regression
LIU Zhonghua, LI Yunmei, LV Heng, XU Yifan, XU Xin, HUANG Jiazhu, TAN Jing, GUO Yulong
Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment of Education Ministry, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, P. R. China
Suspended mailer concentration is an important parameter of water quality evaluation.Hyperspeetral data measured in lake Chaohu in June, 2009 were processed by wavelet transform in order to remove data redundancy and reduce modeling time. Three evaluation indexes were selected considering the effect of different wavelet functions and decomposed scales on the data compression.and the wavelet function Db4 and decomposed scale 4 were determined finally.The orional hyperspeetml data of 451 bands were compressed to 34 feature variables by the wavelet transform.Then 20 samples were used to construct Partial Least-squares Regression(PLS) inversion model of suspended matter concentration, and other 9 samples were used for model verification. The results show that PLS model is suited when the number of principal components is 3 and its R2 is 0.93, R2(pred) is 0.89 and PRESS is 3.29.These three principal components explain 98.60% of independent variables information and 92.37% of dependent variables information.PLS model with R2 of 0.93, RAISE of 4.77mg/L, and MAPE of 9.02% can make full use of the information of hyperspeetral data, and hence have higher accuracy and stability.In addition, single band model, spectral one-order differential model and band ratio model were used to compare with PLS model.The results show that PLS model is better than traditional empirical models no matter on the accuracy of modeling samples or the error of validation samples, indicating that it is suitable for the inversion of suspended matter concentration by using hyperspectral data.
Key words:  Wavelet transform  Partial Least-squares Regression  hyperspectral data  suspended matter  Lake Chaohu