





引用本文:崔丽娟,李伟,张曼胤,赵玉辉,王义飞,赵欣胜,商晓静.不同湿地植物对污水中氦磷去除的贡献.湖泊科学,2011,23(2):203-208. DOI:10.18307/2011.0207
CUI Lijuan,LI Wei,ZHANG Manyin,ZHAO Yuhui,WANG Yifei,ZHAO Xinsheng,SHANG Xiaojing.Different wetland plant roles of removing nitrogen and phosphorus on sewage water. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(2):203-208. DOI:10.18307/2011.0207
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崔丽娟1, 李伟1, 张曼胤1, 赵玉辉1, 王义飞1, 赵欣胜1, 商晓静2
1.中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所, 北京 100091;2.翠湖国家城市湿地公园, 北京 100194
选择5种湿地植物(芦苇、东方香蒲、菖蒲、茭白、鸢尾)和1种喜湿灌木(蒿柳), 研究重度富营养化水体中植物的生长特性和氮磷去除效果.研究发现, 所选用的6种植物在实验池中均生长良好, 稳定生长105d以后, 各种植物的总生物量在424-17721g/m2之间, 除了香蒲的地上地下生物量比(A/U)达到3.23外, 其它的比值在O.63-1.49之间.6种植物地上部N和P浓度分别在13.12-28.83mg/g及1.55-3.77mg/g之间, 地下部N和P浓度在7.76-15.60ms/g及1.70-2.71mg/g之间, 大部分植物地上部N和P的浓度大于地下部.6种植物平均氮、磷积累量分别为20.60g/m2和3.08g/m2, 其中地上部平均氮、磷积累量分别占66.60%和58.22%.不同植物筛选池对不同污染物的净化效果有差异, 鸢尾池对TN的净化效果最好, 芦苇池对TP的净化效果最好.植物的氮、磷积累量与浓度及生物量之间均存在显著相关。
关键词:  湿地植物  污水  生物量  积累量  净化效果
Different wetland plant roles of removing nitrogen and phosphorus on sewage water
CUI Lijuan1, LI Wei1, ZHANG Manyin1, ZHAO Yuhui1, WANG Yifei1, ZHAO Xinsheng1, SHANG Xiaojing2
1.Institute of Wetland Research, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, P.R.China;2.Cuihu National Urban Wetland Park, Beijing 100194, P.R.China
Five kinds of wetland plants, including reed (Phragmites australis), oriental cattail (Typha orientalis), calamus (Zizania aquatica), wildrice stem (Acorns calamus), Iris (Iris temufolia), and one kind of shrub of willow (Salix viminalis) were selected to study the growth characteristics of plants and the role of removing nitrogen and phosphorus in severe eutrophic waters.The study showed that the six kinds of plants in experiments grew well and steadily.After 105 days, the total biomass ranged from 424 to 1772g/m2.Ratios of most plant biomass above/below ground (A/U) varied between 0.63 and 1.49, except for oriental cattail (A/U:3.23).Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the biomass of above ground ranged from 13.12 to 28.83mg/g and frwn 1.55 to 3.77mg/g, respectively.Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the biomass below ground ranged from 7.76 to 15.60mg/g and from 1.70 to 2.71mg/g, respectively.The concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus between alaove and below ground biomass differed significantly.The average plant accumulations of nitrogen and phosphorus were 20.60g/m2 and 3.08g/m2, which the above ground accounted for 66.60% and 58.22%, respectively.Purification efiect of the plants on dififerent pollutants was different.The best purification effects for TN in Iris and TP in reed were found.Plant accumulations of nitrogen and phosphorus displayed significantly positive linear correlation with plant biomass and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Key words:  Wetland plant  waste water  biomass  accumulation  purification efficiency