





引用本文:商景阁,张路,张波,范成新.中国长足摇蚊(Tanypus chinensis)幼虫底栖扰动对沉积物溶解氧特征及反硝化的影响.湖泊科学,2010,22(5):708-713. DOI:10.18307/2010.0512
SHANG Jingge,ZHANG Lu,ZHANG Bo,FAN Chengxin.Bioturbation effect of Tanypus chinensis larvae on denitrification rate and process in sediments. J. Lake Sci.2010,22(5):708-713. DOI:10.18307/2010.0512
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中国长足摇蚊(Tanypus chinensis)幼虫底栖扰动对沉积物溶解氧特征及反硝化的影响
商景阁1,2, 张路1, 张波1,2, 范成新1
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 南京 210008;2.中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049
以中国长足摇蚊(Tanypus chinensis)幼虫对沉积物的生物扰动过程为研究对象, 运用稳定同位素示踪及同位素配对技术, 深入探讨长足摇蚊幼虫扰动对太湖梅梁湾沉积物硝酸盐界面迁移、溶解氧侵蚀深度及沉积物反硝化速率及两种不同反硝化过程(非耦合反硝化(DW)和耦合反硝化(DN))的影响.摇蚊幼虫扰动后, 添加15N两种处理沉积物氧气消耗速率由355.49±131.49μmol/(m2·h)变化为546.39±261.41μmol/(m2·h), 而未添加15N两种处理由313.57±61.63μmol/(m2·h)变化为554.17±184.36μmol/(m2·h), 硝酸盐界面迁移结果表明:扰动显著加强了水体硝酸盐向沉积物迁移的速率, 加强沉积物作为上覆水中NO3-N汇的作用, 摇蚊幼虫扰动组的硝酸盐迁移速率从-33.75±29.25μmol/(m2·h)提高到-210.14±117.25μmol/(m2·h).同位素添加实验发现, 摇蚊幼虫底栖扰动能显著提高沉积物总反硝化速率, 与对照组相比, 总反硝化速率从31.83±8.79μmol/(m2·h)上升到228.98±54.09μmol/(m2·h), 增加了约6倍左右.利用同位素配对法计算对两种不同反硝化过程进行区分, 发现非耦合反硝化速率从15.78±8.51μmol/(m2·h)上升到182.96±45.22μmol/(m2·h), 耦合反硝化速率从16.04±5.63μmol/(m2·h)增加到46.01±8.97μmol/(m2·h), 预示着底栖生物扰动能同时增加耦合和非耦合两种反硝化过程, 而非耦合反硝化过程的增加强度远大于耦合反硝化.
关键词:  太湖  反硝化  中国长足摇蚊  生物扰动
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(40971253), 国家自然科学重点基金项目(40730528)联合资助
Bioturbation effect of Tanypus chinensis larvae on denitrification rate and process in sediments
SHANG Jingge1,2, ZHANG Lu1, ZHANG Bo1,2, FAN Chengxin1
1.State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
Stable isotope tracing and Isotope Pairing Technique (IPT) were used to investigate the effects of bioturbation of Tanypus chinensis larvae in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu. The effects included nitrate flux at the sediment-water surface, dissolve oxygen penetration depth, denitrification rate, and the two different pathways, denitrification coupled to nitrification (DN) and denitrification from overlying water (DW). Compared to the control, the SOD after Tanypus chinensis added increased from 355.49 ± 131.49μmol/(m2·h) to 546.39 ± 261.41μmol/(m2·h) and from 313.57 ± 61.63μmol/(m2·h) to 554.17 ±184.36μmol/(m2·h) with and without Na15NO3 ammended, respectively. The results of nitrate diffusion experiment showed that bioturbation stimulated nitrate diffusion from water to sediment and increase total nitrification rate compared with the non-bioturbated sediment. Total denitrification rate was significantly increased from 31.83 ± 8.79μmol/(m2·h) to 228.98 ± 54.09μmol/(m2·h). DW was stimulated from15.78 ± 8.51μmol/(m2·h) to 182.96 ±45.22μmol/(m2·h), and DN from 16.04 ± 5.63μmol/(m2·h) to 46.01 ±8.97μmol/(m2·h). This result showed that zoobenthos bioturbation can stimulate both DW and DN, and the DW was more stimulated than DN.
Key words:  Lake Taihu  denitrification  Tanypus chinensis  bioturbation