





引用本文:赵安娜,冯慕华,郭萧,柯凡,潘继征,李文朝.沉水植物氧化塘对污水厂尾水深度净化效果与机制的小试研究.湖泊科学,2010,22(4):538-544. DOI:10.18307/2010.0409
ZHAO Anna,FENG Muhua,GUO Xiao,KE Fan,PAN Jizheng,LI Wenchao.Experimental study on tail water purification of wastewater plant with submerged macro-phyte oxidation ponds. J. Lake Sci.2010,22(4):538-544. DOI:10.18307/2010.0409
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赵安娜1,2, 冯慕华1, 郭萧1,2, 柯凡1,2, 潘继征1, 李文朝1
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 南京 210008;2.中国科学院研究生院 北京 100049
关键词:  沉水植物氧化塘  尾水      抚仙湖
Experimental study on tail water purification of wastewater plant with submerged macro-phyte oxidation ponds
ZHAO Anna1,2, FENG Muhua1, GUO Xiao1,2, KE Fan1,2, PAN Jizheng1, LI Wenchao1
1.State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
In the field of the wastewater plant in Chengjiang County,an experiment was carried out to investigate the effect and mechanism of nutrient removal in oxidation ponds which were planted by nine submerged macrophyte. The result showed that,pho-toeynthesis of submerged macrophytes in oxidation ponds induced the high level of water DO and pH which increased the removal effects of TN and TP,but the decomposition of submerged macrophyte leaves enhanced the content of TN and TP in the submerged macrophyte oxidation ponds.1'he removal rates of TN and TP in the ponds,19.44%一64. 71 % and 28. 13%一98. 33 % respec-lively. And the contributions of direct absorption by submerged macrophytes are low, which removed 0. 26%一1. 54% of TN and 0.47%一1. 77% of TP in the oxidation ponds. The change of DO and pH have promoted nitrogen degradation and redox decomposi-tion,which removed 30.71%一65. 25% of TN and 73. 37%一93.34%,while the removal TP was mainly ways of chemical depo-sition and substrate adsorption in the ponds. Finally,Motamgeton pectinatua, Vallisneria spiralia, HydriUa rxrticiUata, Ceratophyl-lum demersum and Motamgeton lucens are chosen as the ones which had high nitrogen and phosphorus removal rates in submerged macrophyte oxidation ponds.
Key words:  Submerged macrophyte oxidation pond  tail water  nitrogen  phosphorus  Lake Fuxian