





引用本文:李兴,李畅游,李卫平,史小红,代文婕,勾芒芒.内蒙古乌梁素海不同形态氮的时空分布.湖泊科学,2009,21(6):885-890. DOI:10.18307/2009.0620
LI Xing,LI Changyou,LI Weiping,SHI Xiaohong,DAI Wenjie,GOU Mangmang.Temporal and spatial distribution of different species of nitrogen in Lake Wuliangsuhai,Inner Mongolia. J. Lake Sci.2009,21(6):885-890. DOI:10.18307/2009.0620
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李兴1, 李畅游1, 李卫平1,2, 史小红1, 代文婕3, 勾芒芒4
1.内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院, 呼和浩特 010018;2.内蒙古科技大学能源与环境学院, 包头 014010;3.内蒙古满洲里市建设局, 满洲里 021400;4.内蒙古自治区水利科学研究院, 呼和浩特 010020
关键词:  乌梁素海  不同形态氮  时空分布  ArcGIS
Temporal and spatial distribution of different species of nitrogen in Lake Wuliangsuhai,Inner Mongolia
LI Xing1, LI Changyou1, LI Weiping1,2, SHI Xiaohong1, DAI Wenjie3, GOU Mangmang4
1.The College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, P.R.China;2.The College of Environment & Energy Resources, Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology, Baotou 014010, P.R.China;3.Construction Bureau of Manzhouli City, Manzhouli 021400, P.R.China;4.Institute of Water Conservancy Science Inner Mongolia Municipality, Hohhot 010020, P.R.China
The temporal and spatial variation characteristics of nitrogen forms are very important for environmental pollution controlof lake. Concentrations of different nitrogen forms were studied using the geostatistical analysis module of ArcGIS in LakeWuliangsuhai. The results indicate that average concentrations of total nitrogen were higher in summer and winter than autumn inseasonal time series, the average concentrations of ammonia nitrogen were lower in summer than autumn and winter, and the averageconcentration of nitrite nitrogen was higher than nitrate nitrogen in different seasons. In space, concentration distribution of differentforms ofnitrogen showed gradually decreasing from north to south. In a word, nitrogen pollution is very serious in LakeWuliangsuhai. The main pollutions were sourced from farm field drainage of the Hetao irrigated areas, industrial waste water anddomestic sewage close to main irrigation canal, which caused different forms of nitrogen contents decreases with the discharge of flowingwater. However, in the region of density reed and aquatic, the contents of nitrogen forms will change with increase or decrease.
Key words:  Lake Wuliangsuhai  forms of nitrogen  spatial-temporal distribution  ArcGIS