





引用本文:孙凌,王晓梅,郭茂华,唐军武.MODIS水色产品在黄东海域的真实性检验.湖泊科学,2009,21(2):298-306. DOI:10.18307/2009.0220
SUN Ling,WANG Xiaomei,GUO Maohua,TANG Junwu.MODIS ocean color product validation around the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. J. Lake Sci.2009,21(2):298-306. DOI:10.18307/2009.0220
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孙凌1, 王晓梅2, 郭茂华2, 唐军武2
1.中国气象局国家卫星气象中心, 北京 100081;2.国家海洋局国家卫星海洋应用中心, 北京 100081
关键词:  真实性检验  黄东海  MODIS  遥感反射率  叶绿素a浓度
MODIS ocean color product validation around the Yellow Sea and East China Sea
SUN Ling1, WANG Xiaomei2, GUO Maohua2, TANG Junwu2
1.National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, P. R. China;2.National Satellite Ocean Application Service, State Oceanic Administration, Beijing 100081, P. R. China
Ocean color product validation is vital to improve the algorithms and to secure subsequent applications. China coastal region is one of the most highly turbid waters in the world. The precision of NASA's standard MODIS ocean color products are poor for this region. However, the validations have not been made due to the shortage of high quality in-situ data. In this paper, in-situ data collected in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea in the spring and autumn of 2003 are used to validate the main parameters of MODIS Aqua standard ocean color product, i.e., the normalized water-leaving radiance LwN(λ) (converted to remote sensing reflectance Rrs(λ)) and chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl.a). The resolution of 3×3 pixel box and ±0.5h are used as the sampling window, and spatial homogeneity criteria are used to screen data. Based on the analysis of match-ups (in low and middle turbid waters), primary conclusions are obtained: (1) MODIS-derived Rrs(λ) can assure certain precisions but can not satisfy the expected error of 10%, and has obviously poor results in 412nm bands. There is good linear relationship between satellite images and modeled images. The overall root mean square error is 0.0030sr-1 and the median of absolute values over the relative error is about 25%, respectively. Derived Rrs(λ) is similar with in-situ ones in spectrum shape, and is mostly underestimated especially in high value region. Besides, Rrs(λ) at 412 and 667nm bands are mostly underestimated with even negative values in low value region. The reasons for this phenomenon are due to the influences of water-leaving radiance in the near-infrared bands and improper aerosol models used in the atmospheric correction process. (2) MODIS derived Chl.a is very poor. The satellite derived values are systematically overestimated. And there is no obvious linear relationship between satellite derived and in-situ Chl.a, which the root mean square error is about 1.56mg/m3, the median absolute relative error about 103.25%, and the median satellite to in-situ ratio about 2.03. The major reason for this phenomenon is the OC3M model (coefficients) unsuitability.
Key words:  Validation  Yellow & East China Sea  MOIDS  remote sensing reflectance  chlorophyll-a concentration