





引用本文:夏天翔,李文朝,潘继征.抚仙湖流域不同农业模式砾质土壤环境质量及其氮磷流失风险评估.湖泊科学,2008,20(1):110-116. DOI:10.18307/2008.0117
XIA Tianxiang,LI Wenchao,PAN Jizheng.Risk assessment on soil environment quality and losses of nitrogen and phosphorus for the gravel soils under different farming practices in the watershed of Lake Fuxian. J. Lake Sci.2008,20(1):110-116. DOI:10.18307/2008.0117
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夏天翔1,2, 李文朝1, 潘继征1
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;2.中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049
关键词:  砾质土  土壤环境质量      流失  抚仙湖
Risk assessment on soil environment quality and losses of nitrogen and phosphorus for the gravel soils under different farming practices in the watershed of Lake Fuxian
XIA Tianxiang1,2, LI Wenchao1, PAN Jizheng1
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;2.Graduate School,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
On August 2006, grave soils from organic and conventional farming were sampled within the watershed of Fuxian Lake inYunnan Province. Soil granule composition, heavy metal contents and nutrition accumulation in the soil profile were determined.Nitrogen and phosphorus losses from the soils were assessed by the in-door rainfall simulation. The results were as below: 1) bothorganic and conventional farming practices significantly lower the soil sand content on the 0-20 cm soil profile;2) all soil heavymetal contents met the Class A standard of National Environment Quality Standard for Soils (GB/15618-1995) except Cd which onlymet Class B standard;3) soil total nitrogen and organic matter accumulated in the 0-20 cm soil profile, and showed no significantdifferences between organic and conventional farming practices. The accumulation of soil total phosphorus, NO3-N and waterdissolved phosphorus (WSP) under the organic farming practice is significantly higher than those under conventional farmingpractice;and 4) under the condition of 780 mm rainfall simulation, the risk of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from the organicfarming soil is higher than that from the conventional farming. Total amount of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from the organicfarming soil were 1.9 and 19.8 times higher than those from the conventional farming soil, respectively.
Key words:  Grave soil  soil environment quality  nitrogen  phosphorus  losses of nutrients  Lake Fuxian