





引用本文:黄智华,薛滨,逄勇.近50a中国东部和西部湖区水量空间变化趋势.湖泊科学,2007,19(5):497-503. DOI:10.18307/2007.0501
HUANG Zhihua,XUE Bin,PANG Yong.Spatial variation of lake water quantity in the east and west regions of China during the past 50 years. J. Lake Sci.2007,19(5):497-503. DOI:10.18307/2007.0501
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黄智华1,2, 薛滨2, 逄勇1
1.河海大学环境科学与工程学院, 南京 210098;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
基于近代湖泊水量(水位、水深和面积)记录, 对近50a中国东部和西部湖区水量的空间变化趋势进行半定量研究。结果表明:整体上看, 20世纪80年代以前, 东部湖区水量呈现波动变化而西部湖区水量基本趋于减少;80年代以后东部和西部湖区水量均表现为不同程度的增加。其中, 20世纪50年代, 东部和西部湖区水量状况基本相似, 均保持高湖面特征。20世纪60年代, 东部湖区水量有所减少但幅度不明显, 而西部湖区以中高水量为主。20世纪70年代, 不同区域湖泊基本都保持中湖面特征。20世纪80年代, 东部湖区水量呈增加趋势而西部湖区水量相对70年代略有减少。20世纪90年代, 东部和西部湖区水量均表现为增加趋势。进一步研究发现, 最近50a来中国不同区域湖泊水量发生变化除了气候因素的驱动外, 人类活动的影响也是不可忽视的。
关键词:  湖泊水量  空间变化  东部湖区  西部湖区
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(40472085);江苏省自然科学基金(BK 2007534)联合资助
Spatial variation of lake water quantity in the east and west regions of China during the past 50 years
HUANG Zhihua1,2, XUE Bin2, PANG Yong1
1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P. R. China;2.Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
Index including water level, water depth and area was employed to quasi-quantiflcationally study the spatial change of lake water quantity in the east and west regions of China during the past 50 years. The results indicated that, as a whole, lake water quantity showed a wave change in the east regions of China while a decrease tendency in the west before 1980s. Since 1980s, it showed an increase tendency at different degree in the east and west regions. In 1950s, high lake water quantity occurred both in the east and the west regions of China. Water quantity in the east regions showed a little decrease in 1960s, while lakes in the west regions displayed a middle-high status. In 1970s, there was a steady-going medium lake water quantity occurred in different regions of China. Lake water quantity in the east regions showed an increase tendency in 1980s, while in the west a little decrease compared with that in 1970s. In 1990s, an increase tendency occurred both in the east and west regions of China. Further studies revealed that not only climate incurred the changes of lake water quantity, but also human activities showed important effect.
Key words:  Lake water quantity  spatial variation  east regions  west regions