





引用本文:李修峰,黄道明,谢文星,常秀岭,杨汉运,张友谦,何家庆.汉江中游鱼类资源现状.湖泊科学,2005,17(4):366-372. DOI:10.18307/2005.0415
LI Xiufeng,HUANG Daoming,XIE Wenxin,CHANG Xiuling,YANG Hanyun,ZHANG Youqian,HE Jiaqing.Status of Fisher Resources in the Middle Reaches of the Haiyiang River. J. Lake Sci.2005,17(4):366-372. DOI:10.18307/2005.0415
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李修峰1, 黄道明2, 谢文星2, 常秀岭2, 杨汉运2, 张友谦3, 何家庆4
1.襄樊职业技术学院, 襄樊 441021;2.水利部中国科学院水工程生态研究所, 武汉 430079;3.襄樊市渔政船检港监管理处;4.襄樊市水利局, 襄樊 441021
2003-2004年在汉江中游江段共监测654船次,统计渔获物6914.16 kg,生物学测定1682尾鱼,共采集鱼类78种,隶属18科58属.目前汉江中游渔获物组成和结构与20世纪70年代相比发生了较大变化,翘嘴红鲌、瓦氏黄颡鱼、鲶、鲢、黄尾鲴、大鳍蠖等在渔获物中比例已经很少;草鱼资源也明显下降;铜鱼、青鱼、蒙古红鲐、鳡、细鳞斜颌鲴、吻鮈、长吻鮠、拟尖头红鲌、鳙、鳜等在渔获物中已基本消失;而鲤、鲫、黄颡鱼、长春鳊、赤服鳟等中小型鱼类在渔获物中的比例却相对上升;渔获物中个体大的鱼减少,低龄鱼及幼鱼个体比重增加.与70年代资料相比,汉江中游鱼类资源已呈衰退趋势.
关键词:  鱼类资源  汉江  中游江段
Status of Fisher Resources in the Middle Reaches of the Haiyiang River
LI Xiufeng1, HUANG Daoming2, XIE Wenxin2, CHANG Xiuling2, YANG Hanyun2, ZHANG Youqian3, HE Jiaqing4
1.Xiangfan Institute of Technologica, Xiangfan, 441021, P. R. China;2.Institute of Reservoir Fisheries, Ministry of Water Resources and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430079, P. R. China;3.Xiangfan Governing Department for Fishery Admistration, Vessel Checking and Port Supervision, Xiangfan 441021, P. R. China;4.Xiangfan Office of Water Resources, Xiangfan 441021, P. R. China
In the years 2003-2004, a survey on the fisheiy status was taken in the middle reaches of the Hanjiang River. A total of 654 boats were investigated, 6914.16kg fish catch were collected and 1682 tails of fish were measured. Fishes were belonging to 18 families, 58 genera and 78 species. In comparison with the relevant data in I970's, fish catch composition and structure had more change at present time. For example, the ratio and quantity of Culter ilishaeformis (Bleeker), Pelteobagrus vachelli (Richardson), Silurus asotus Linnaeus, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Cuvieret Valenciennes), Xenocypris davidi Bieeker, Mystus macropterus (Bleeker) and Ctenopharyngodon idellus (Cuvier et Valenciennes) in fish catch had been greatly decreasing. Some fishes such as Coreius heterodon (Bleeker), Mylophxiryngodon piceus (Richardson), Culter mongolictis (Basilewsky), Elopichthys bambusa (Ric hardson), Xenocypiis microlepis Bleeker, Rhinogobio typus Bleeker, Leiocassis longirostris Gtinther, Erythroculter oxycephaloidaes (Kreuenberg et Pappenhein), Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson), and Siniperca chualsi (Basilewsky) had disappeared in some degree. However ihe number of medium and small-sized fish, such as Cyprinus (Cyprinus) carpio Linnaeus, Cyprinus carassius Linnaeus, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (Richardson), Parabramis pekinensis (Basilwsky), Squaiiobarbus curriculus (Richardson) and so on had been increasing. Amongst fish calch, the number and ratio of low-aged flsh and adolescent fish had been increasing, and at the same time big-sized fish decreasing, On the basis of the facts above, there can be concluded that the fishery resources in the middle reaches of the Han-jiang River has been declining.
Key words:  Fish resources  the Hanjiang River  section in the middle reaches