





引用本文:刘恩生,刘正文,陈伟民,鲍传和,陈开宁.太湖湖鲚渔获量变化与生物环境间相互关系.湖泊科学,2005,17(4):340-345. DOI:10.18307/2005.0410
LIU Ensheng,LIU Zhengwen,CHEN Weimin,BAO Chuanhe,CHEN Kaining.A Study on the Chaise of Lake Anchovy(Coilia ectenes taihuensis Yen et Lin) Catches and Its Mutual Relationship to the Biological Environment in Lake Talhu. J. Lake Sci.2005,17(4):340-345. DOI:10.18307/2005.0410
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刘恩生1,2,3, 刘正文2, 陈伟民2, 鲍传和3, 陈开宁1,2
1.中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100039;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;3.安徽农业大学, 合肥 230036
通过研究太湖湖鲚的年龄结构、食物组成,结合太湖鱼类渔获量统计和环境检测资料,分析了1973-2002年间太湖湖鲚渔获量变化的规律、原因及与生物环境间的相互关系.结果表明:1994年后湖鲚渔获量正以平均年增1430t的速度上升;种群中0+个体占99.04±2.21%(2003年)、99.08±0.80%(2004年);而0+湖鲚主要以浮游动物为食,其中枝角类占食物总个数的89.77.80±13.69%.分析发现:湖鲚渔获量与 TIN、TN、COD间的正相关关系均达到显著水平;与翘嘴红鲌、银鱼产量间的负相关关系达到极显著水平;种群低龄化趋势加剧与捕捞强度不断升高相一致;浮游动物现存量有随湖鲚渔获量升高而降低的趋势.
关键词:  太湖  湖鲚  渔获量  生物环境
A Study on the Chaise of Lake Anchovy(Coilia ectenes taihuensis Yen et Lin) Catches and Its Mutual Relationship to the Biological Environment in Lake Talhu
LIU Ensheng1,2,3, LIU Zhengwen2, CHEN Weimin2, BAO Chuanhe3, CHEN Kaining1,2
1.Graduate School of CAS, Beijing 100039, P. R. China;2.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;3.Anhui Agicultural University, Hefei 230036, P. R. China
Based on the catches from 1973 to 2002 and an investigation of age structure and food composition of lake anchovy (Coilia ectenes taihuensis Yen et Lin) in 2004, the reasons of the fish catches increasing in Lake Taihu were analyzed in mutual relation to the biological environmental factors. The results showed that:since 1994 the catches of lake anchovy had been increasing annually at the rate of 1430 ton;0+ individuals accounted for 99.04±2.21% in 2003 and 99.08±0.80% in 2004 of total individuals in its catches; 0+ lake anchovy entirely feed on zooplankton, among which the percentage of Cladocera in 0+ the fish food was 89.77±13.69%. The analysis showed that:the relationship between the catches of the fish and TIN, TN and COD showed positive correlation at the significant level of P<0.05; the relationship between the catches of the fish and the catches of topmouth culter (Erythroculter ilishaeformis Bleek) and ice fish (taihuensis Chen) showed negative correlation at the very significant level of P<0.01; the trend of low age composition in the fish population was conform with the increasing of fishing intensity of the lake in recenl years. With the increasing of lake anchovy catches, there was decreasing trend of zooplankton standing crop.
Key words:  Lake Taihu  lake anchovy (Coilia ectenes taihuensis Yen et Lin)  catches  biological environment