





引用本文:陈源高,李文朝,李荫玺,侯长定,吴献花,孔志明.云南抚仙湖窑泥沟复合湿地的除氮效果.湖泊科学,2004,16(4):331-337. DOI:10.18307/2004.0407
CHEN Yuangao,LI Wenchao,LI Yinxi,HOU Changding,WU Xianhua,KONG Zhiming.Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of Yaonigou Integrated Constructed Wetland on the Bank of Lake Fuxian, Yunnan Province. J. Lake Sci.2004,16(4):331-337. DOI:10.18307/2004.0407
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陈源高1,2, 李文朝2, 李荫玺3, 侯长定3, 吴献花4, 孔志明1
1.污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京大学环境学院, 南京 210093;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;3.云南省玉溪市环境科学研究所, 玉溪 653100;4.云南省玉溪师范学院, 玉溪 653100
为了延缓抚仙湖局部湖湾水体富营养化趋势,在北岸建设了净化面积1hm2.的复合人工湿地.综合利用生物氧化塘、水平潜流湿地和表面流湿地治理技术,对入湖河道窑泥沟污水中氮的去除效果进行了试验研究.试验结果表明,湿地系统的除氮效果十分明显,水力负荷年平均为437mm/d,氮负荷年平均为3.315 g/(m2·d),湿地系统氮滞留量年平均为1.91g/(m2·d).其中,通过植物吸收同化作用除氮量为0.142g/(m2·d),占总氮滞留量的7.5%左右.湿地系统对污水中硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐氮(NOX-)、氨氮(NH4+)、有机氮(TON)和总氮(TN)的去除率年平均分别为62.7%、53.8%、62.4%和57.5%.在湿地系统各功能区中,表面流人工湿地除氮效果最佳,氮去除率年平均为39.4%,硝化和反硝化作用均较强;生物净化塘除氮效果次之,氮去除率年平均为18.5%;潜流人工湿地氮去除率年平均为10.6%;沉淀池中氮去除率年平均只有3.6%.
关键词:  抚仙湖  人工湿地  除氮效果
Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of Yaonigou Integrated Constructed Wetland on the Bank of Lake Fuxian, Yunnan Province
CHEN Yuangao1,2, LI Wenchao2, LI Yinxi3, HOU Changding3, WU Xianhua4, KONG Zhiming1
1.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, P. R. China;2.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;3.Yuxi Institute of Environmental Science Research, Yuxi 653100, P. R. China;4.Yuxi Normal College, Yuxi 653100, P. R. China
The lhm2 integrated constructed wetland was built on the northern bank of Lake Fuxian, Yunnan Province, for reducing and controlling the development of its eutrophic state.Efficiencies of nitrogen removal of the wastewater from the Yaonigou river were investigated by using the integrated constructed wetland including the function parts of precipitation pond, oxidation ponds, constructed wetlands subsurface flow and surface flow.The results demonstrate that there was a very high capacity of nitrogen removal in the wetland.The average hydrologic budget was 437 mm/d.The average nitrogen loading was 3.315 g/(m2·d).The nitrogen retention was 1.91 g/(m2·d)·Nitrogen retention through plant uptake was 142 mg/(m2·d)·It was about 7.5% of total retention.The average removal rates of the constructed wetland for different species of nitrogen were 62.7% (NOx-), 53.8% (NH4+), 62.4% (TON) and 57.5% (TN), respectively.The average removal rates of nitrogen were 39.4%, 18.5%, 10.6% and 3.6% in the surface flow constructed wetland, the oxidation ponds, the subsurface flow constructed wetland and the precipitation pond, respectively.
Key words:  Lake Fuxian  constructed wetland  efficiencies of nitrogen removal