





引用本文:金刚,李钟杰,刘伙泉,温周瑞,陈洪达.保安湖沉水植被恢复及其渔业效益.湖泊科学,1999,11(3):260-266. DOI:10.18307/1999.0311
JIN Gang,LI Zhong-jie,LIU Huo-quan,WEN Zhou-rui,CHEN Hong-da.Recovery of Submerged Vegetation and Its Fishery Benefit in Bao'an Lake. J. Lake Sci.1999,11(3):260-266. DOI:10.18307/1999.0311
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金刚1, 李钟杰1, 刘伙泉1, 温周瑞2, 陈洪达2
1.中国科学院水生生物研究所, 武汉 430072;2.湖北省水产研究所, 武汉 430071
通过消除对沉水植物生长有破坏作用的草食性鱼类和杂食性鱼类,在低水位的早春选择无风浪的天气移栽水草,于 1994年在保安湖一个面积为 3.3hm2网栏湖汊成功地恢复了绝迹 8个月的水草群落,秋季水草覆盖率达 50%,同时研究了在无鱼类摄食破坏的条件下苦草和黄丝草的生长动态.于1994-1995年在保安湖另一个面积为133.3hm2土栏湖汊(即肖四海)恢复了水草群落,1995年秋季水草覆盖率达70%,由于水草群落的恢复,肖四海结束了施肥投草主养四大家鱼的养殖方式,而采用了以河蟹和鳜鱼为增养殖对象的优质高效渔业模式,1994-1997年河蟹产量分别达到1646.6kg、1100.0kg、838.3kg、4739.5kg,至1997年10月水草生物量(鲜重)2730g· m-2,覆盖率达 100%
关键词:  保安湖  沉水植物群落  恢复  渔业
Recovery of Submerged Vegetation and Its Fishery Benefit in Bao'an Lake
JIN Gang1, LI Zhong-jie1, LIU Huo-quan1, WEN Zhou-rui2, CHEN Hong-da2
1.Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Aeademy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072;2.Hubei Fisheries Sciences Research Institute, Wuhan 430071
The recovery of submerged macrophyte community is important to the purification of water quality and the restoration of beautiful landscape, and also to the sustentation of the lake fishery with high quality and high economic benefit because the fishery species with high market-price, such as Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards and mandarin fish Sini-perca chuatsi (Basilewsky), do not grow well without the densely submerged macrophyte community. By catching the herbivorous fishes (grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus, MegaLobrama amblycephala Yih, Cyprinidae) and the omnivorous fishes (common carp Cyprinus carpio L., crucian carp Carassius auratus L.) which are harmful to the submerged macrophyte growth, and transplanting the aquatic plants (Vallisneria natans, Potamogeton macckianus, MyriophylIum spicatum, Ceratophy Lurn demersum ) on the calm days in early spring when the water depth was 0.1-1.0 m, the submerged macrophyte community was recovered in Xiao-si-hai Lake (area is 133.3 ha) near to the middle reach of Yangtze River, China in 1995.Because of the recovery of submerged macrophyte community, the traditional fishery type which applying fertilizer to culture the plankton feeder (silver carp HypophthaLmichthys molitrix and bighead Aristichthys nobilis ) with low market price was given up, and began with a new fishery by stocking the crab and the mandarin fish to gain a great benefit in Xiaosihai Lake. The biomass, cover rate of submerged macrophyte is 2730g/m2, 100%, respectively, in autumn in 1997, and the crab production is 4739.5kg in 1997.
Key words:  Bao'an Lake  submerged macrophyte community  recovery  fishery