





引用本文:祖国掌,管远亮,候冠军,李海洋,陈宇,陶继亮,周国之.围栏养蟹利用与女山湖沉水植物资源保护.湖泊科学,1999,11(1):91-96. DOI:10.18307/1999.0115
ZU Guo-zhang,GUAN Yuan-liang,HOU Guan-jun LI Hai-yang,CHEN Yu,TUO Ji-liang,ZHOU Guo-zhi.Utilization and Protection of the Submerged Plant Resources by Pen-crab Culturing in Nushan Lake. J. Lake Sci.1999,11(1):91-96. DOI:10.18307/1999.0115
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祖国掌1, 管远亮2, 候冠军2, 李海洋2, 陈宇2, 陶继亮3, 周国之3
1.安徽农业大学水产系, 合肥 230036;2.安徽省农业科学院水产研究所, 合肥 230031;3.安徽省明光市女山湖镇水产技术推广站, 明光 239437
研究了1992-1994年女山湖大面积围栏养蟹利用与保护沉水植物资源的效果结果表明:围栏内河蟹的食物组成中, 主要有菹草、苦草、金鱼藻、马来眼子菜、黄丝草和黑藻等沉水植物.其中菹草、黑藻的出现频率和概念生物量, 分别在4、6、7、8和9月为最高;围栏内沉水植物的种类和生物量的变化与河蟹的放养密度关系密切, 当河蟹的放养密度不超过30只·hm-2时, 围栏内沉水植物的生物量与对照组均有明显的增加趋势, 由此可证, 女山湖大面积的围栏养蟹和适宜的放养密度, 有效地利用和保护了围栏区内的沉水植物资源
关键词:  围栏养蟹  女山湖  沉水植物  保护
基金项目:农业部“八五”重点课题, 85-91-05-01-01
Utilization and Protection of the Submerged Plant Resources by Pen-crab Culturing in Nushan Lake
ZU Guo-zhang1, GUAN Yuan-liang2, HOU Guan-jun LI Hai-yang2, CHEN Yu2, TUO Ji-liang2, ZHOU Guo-zhi3
1.Department of Fisheries, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036;2.Fisheries Research Institute of Agriculture Science Academy of Anhui Province, Hefei 230031;3.Poptdarization Centre of Fisheries Techninque of Nushan Lake of Mingguang City, Mingguang 239473
The utilization and protection of the submerged plant resources by pen-crab culturing in Nushan Lake from 1992 to 1994 are studied.The results are summarized as rollows: Crab food was mainly Potamogeton crispus L.Vallisneria spiralis L., P.maackianus A.Been, Ceratophyllum demersum L., P.malaianus.Mig.and Hydrilla verticiliata Royle.etc, among which the frequencies of participation and the ideal biomass of P.crispus and H.verticiliata reach their highest point in Apr., May, June, July, Aug, and Sept., respectively.The changes of species composition and biomass of the submerged plants were closely related to the density of the crabs cultured, a density of crabs below 30ind·hm-2 significantly results in an increase of the biomass of the submerged plants as well as the dominating group.The submerged plants resources could be reasonably used and protected by large-scale crab cultured only at an appropriate density such as 30ind·hm-2 inside the pens in Nushan Lake.
Key words:  Nushan Lake  submerged plant  pen-crab culture  protection