





引用本文:薛滨,王苏民,王云飞.湖泊深钻揭示的中更新世以来中国环境的区域分异及其与亚洲季风的关系.湖泊科学,1998,10(1):1-4. DOI:10.18307/1998.0101
Xue Bin,Wang Sumin,Wang Yunfei.Regional Differentiation of Environm ent in China since Mid.Pleistocene Inferred from Lake Records and Its Relation with East Asia Monsoon. J. Lake Sci.1998,10(1):1-4. DOI:10.18307/1998.0101
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薛滨, 王苏民, 王云飞
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
根据青藏高原东部若尔盖盆地RM孔、北部柴达木盆地ZK-336及CK—6孔和滇池盆地参1井等长孔的湖泊深钻记录, 探讨了中更新世以来我国环境的区域分异特点, 结合黄土-古土壤序列的研究成果, 初步分析了导致区域环境分异的原因及其与亚洲季风的关系, 结果表明青藏高原在其中扮演很重要的角色。
关键词:  中更新世  环境分异  亚洲季风  湖泊沉积
Regional Differentiation of Environm ent in China since Mid.Pleistocene Inferred from Lake Records and Its Relation with East Asia Monsoon
Xue Bin, Wang Sumin, Wang Yunfei
Lake Sedimentation and Enuronment Laboratory, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008
The lake records have proved their value by providing improtant insights into how global and regional climatic events influence continental ecosystems upon which humanity is most immediately dependent.Long recored from single sites have the advantage of minimizing the effect of non-climatic variables on the cycle-to-cycle palaeoclimate study of climate proxies.The comparative study of the long core records iocated at different regions in China can provide some significant in-formation about the regiona1 differentiation of environmental evolution, and furthermore, about the Asia monsoon activities with the study on Loess plateau.However.detailed lacustrine cores studied with a span of several 1000OOa are very rare in China The available examples are only three long cor from the Zoige Basin in eastern Tibet (Qinghai-Xizang)plateau, Qaidam basin in northern Tibet plateau and Dianchi basin in Yunnan plateau respectively.The result has shown that there distinctively exist 3 stages since Mid-Pleis-toce ne, i.e.780-48OkaBP, 480-160kaBP, 160-OkaBP for each of them the enviro nment was of different and special characteristiea in different regions of China.The result has also shown that the Tibet plateau has played a major role on the differentiation process.The comparison study is still in its infancy and m ore long cores are needed for us to probe into the uplifting of Tibet plateau and As Jan monsoon evolution.
Key words:  Mid—Pleistocene  regional differentiation  As ian monsoon  lake sediment