





引用本文:姚杜琳,王永,迟振卿,闵隆瑞,姚培毅,陈兴强.内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗乌拉盖高毕湖泊沉积记录的5万年来环境演变.湖泊科学,2012,24(6):965-973. DOI:10.18307/2012.0621
YAO Dulin,WANG Yong,CHI Zhenqing,MIN Longrui,YAO Peiyi,CHEN Xingqiang.Environmental changes during the past 50000 years recorded by Lake Wulagaigaobi sediment, Dongwuzhumuqinqi, Inner Mongolia. J. Lake Sci.2012,24(6):965-973. DOI:10.18307/2012.0621
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姚杜琳1,2,3, 王永2, 迟振卿2, 闵隆瑞2, 姚培毅2, 陈兴强1,2,4
1.中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083;2.中国地质科学院地质研究所, 北京 100037;3.广西机电工业学校, 南宁 530023;4.重庆市地质环境监测总站, 重庆 441000
中国北方季风边缘区的湖泊对环境的反应很敏感,乌拉盖高毕是位于内蒙古高原东北部的一个已干涸的内陆封闭湖泊.研究剖面总厚度为405 cm,根据取得的9个AMS14C及光释光测年数据,建立了51.9 ka BP以来的年代序列.结合岩性的变化、粒度组分分析、粒度参数(标准偏差、偏度、峰度等)及Rb/Sr比值特征进行了详细的分析,恢复了乌拉盖高毕湖泊沉积记录的5万年来的环境演化过程.将0~405 cm的剖面划分为4个较大的气候阶段:51.9-44.1 ka BP(405~343 cm),气候为干冷期,各环境指标显示为滨湖沉积,湖泊水位较低;44.1-28.5 ka BP(343~130 cm),气候为温湿期,湖泊逐渐扩张,湖泊水位升高;28.5-11.38 ka BP(130~35 cm),气候转冷,湖面萎缩,并在盛冰期出现砂楔,该阶段后期湖泊干涸;11.38 ka BP至今(35~0 cm),气温回升.
关键词:  湖泊沉积  环境演变  粒度参数  微量元素  内蒙古  乌拉盖高毕
Environmental changes during the past 50000 years recorded by Lake Wulagaigaobi sediment, Dongwuzhumuqinqi, Inner Mongolia
YAO Dulin1,2,3, WANG Yong2, CHI Zhenqing2, MIN Longrui2, YAO Peiyi2, CHEN Xingqiang1,2,4
1.School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, P. R. China;2.Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science, Beijing 100037, P. R. China;3.Guangxi Mech. & Elec. Industry School, Nanning 530023, P. R. China;4.Chongqing Geological Environment Monitoring Station, Chongqing 441000, P. R. China
Lakes located in the monsoon marginal zone in North China are sensitive to climate change. Lake Wulagaigaobi is an enclosed lake in Inner Mongolia of China, which is in the semiarid and sub-humid ecotone on the northeast margin of the Inner Mongolia Plateau. In this paper, a sediment profile of 405 cm deep was chose. The measured data of the sediment in AMS14C and OSL age revealed that the sediment profile was deposited since 51.9 ka BP. Combined with chronological data and the analyses of sedimentary characteristics, including grain-size distribution, grain-size frequency, grain-size parameters, and trace elements, the evolutionary process and features of the lake environment were reconstructed during the past 50000 years. Results showed that there were four climate periods:51.9-44.1 ka BP (405-343 cm), cold and dry period, a lower lake-level; 44.1-28.5 ka BP (343-130 cm), warm and wet period, the lake-level fluctuated; 28.5-11.38 ka BP (130-35 cm), cold and dry period; 11.38 ka BP-today (35-0 cm), warm and wet period.
Key words:  Sediment  environmental evolution  grian size paramters  trace element  Inner Mongolia  Lake Wulagaigaobi