





引用本文:王洪起.于桥水库的水质保护与渔业生产.湖泊科学,1995,7(4):379-384. DOI:10.18307/1995.0413
Wang Hongqi.Water quality protection and aquaculture in Yuqiao Reservoir. J. Lake Sci.1995,7(4):379-384. DOI:10.18307/1995.0413
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天津市环境保护科学研究所, 天津 300191
关键词:  饮水水源  水质保护  渔业生产  于桥水库
Water quality protection and aquaculture in Yuqiao Reservoir
Wang Hongqi
Tianjin Reearch Institute of Environmental Protection, Tianjin 300191
The aquaculture can lighten water eutruphication and improve drinking water quality. But on the other hand, the fish metabulism activities as eating, digest and drain can speed up the cycle velocity of the N, P and organic matter in the waters and accelerate reproduction of algae. If a large number of the grass carp (Cienopharyngodon iadllus) are put in the reservoir, the fish will destroy the ecological balance and the macrophytes which can improve the drinking water quality. Farming fish in net cases with composite food can increase organic pollution to the reservoir. Farming fish in the waters enclosed with the purse seine can also destroy the local macrophyte and ecological balance, and when a great number of the fish are put in the purse seine, the composite food must be thrown into the purse seine in the later culture period. Su farming fish in the purse seine also increases organic pollution by the food to rhe waters. The waste water discharged from the reservoir-side fishponds may increase N, P to the reservoir. The proposals for how to develop the aquaculture and protect the drinking water quality and ecological balance are as follows:1) A great number of grasb carps should not be put blindly in the reservoir; 2) Farming fish in the net case and purse seine should be stopped or limited; 3) The carp (Cyprinus carpio) and crucian carp (Carassius auralus) should be protected; 4) The Xenocyprisargenlea Gunther and Plagionathops microlepis Bleeker) which feed chiefly on decomposed macrophytes should be introduced into the reservoir; 5) Put bigger fiugerlings of silver carp (Hypophth almichthys molitrixi) and bighead carp (Aristuhthys nobilis) to the reservoir, and breed the manderin fish (Sunperaj chuatsi) in the reservoir; 6) The grass carp should be farmed in the reservuir-side fishponds with the macrophytes gathered from the reservoir.
Key words:  Drinking watersource  water quality protection  aquaculture  Yuqiao Reservoir