





引用本文:杨虎成,莫春雷,李亚云,周艳松,王艺霖,郭静.吡虫啉的本土物种敏感性分布及水质基准研究.湖泊科学,2024,36(1):177-186. DOI:10.18307/2024.0129
Yang Hucheng,Mo Chunlei,Li Yayun,Zhou Yansong,Wang Yilin,Guo Jing.Native species sensitivity distribution and water quality criteria for imidacloprid. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(1):177-186. DOI:10.18307/2024.0129
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杨虎成1,2, 莫春雷1,2, 李亚云1,2, 周艳松1,2, 王艺霖1,2, 郭静1,2
1.资源与生态环境地质湖北省重点实验室(湖北省地质局), 武汉 430034;2.湖北省地质环境总站, 武汉 430034
吡虫啉是一种新烟碱类杀虫剂,环境中吡虫啉的残留会对水生生物产生潜在的慢性毒害作用,然而我国目前尚缺乏吡虫啉的淡水水生生物基准。为了构建吡虫啉的水质基准以及评估其对本土水生物种的生态风险,搜集筛选了吡虫啉对我国本土淡水水生生物的急慢性毒性数据,获得了来自5门14科的共21种急性毒性数据和来自5门11科的共15种慢性毒性数据。选取Log-normal和Log-logistic两种分布模型分别对毒性数据进行拟合以得到吡虫啉的物种敏感性分布。拟合优度检验结果表明Log-normal分布对急性和慢性数据均有更好的拟合效果。吡虫啉对我国本土水生物种的短期水质基准为6.95 μg/L,长期水质基准为0.47 μg/L,可作为保护我国水生生物的水质基准。采用风险商值法评估了吡虫啉在我国主要流域地表水的生态风险,结果显示研究区所包括流域地表水中78.95%的水体为低风险水体,15.79%的水体为中风险水体。本研究结论可为吡虫啉水质标准制定、水生生物保护和水生态环境管理提供科学依据。
关键词:  吡虫啉  水质基准  物种敏感性分布法  生态风险
Native species sensitivity distribution and water quality criteria for imidacloprid
Yang Hucheng1,2, Mo Chunlei1,2, Li Yayun1,2, Zhou Yansong1,2, Wang Yilin1,2, Guo Jing1,2
1.Hubei Key Laboratory of Resources and Eco-Environment Geology(Hubei Geological Bureau), Wuhan 430034, P.R. China;2.Geological Environmental Center of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430034, P.R. China
Imidacloprid (IMI) is a neonicotinoid insecticide. Its residues in the environment can potentially cause chronic toxicity to aquatic organisms. However, there is currently a lack of water quality criteria for IMI in China. To establish water quality criteria for IMI and evaluate its ecological risk to native aquatic species, acute and chronic toxicity data for IMI on Chinese freshwater aquatic organisms were collected. The collected acute toxicity data of IMI involved 21 species of 14 families across 5 phyla. A total of 15 chronic toxicity data of 5 phyla and 11 families were obtained. Log-normal and Log-logistic distributions were selected to fit the toxicity data to obtain the species sensitivity distribution of IMI. The goodness-of-fit test showed that the Log-normal distribution had a better fit for both acute and chronic data. For native aquatic species in China, the short-term water quality criteria of IMI was 6.95 μg/L, and the long-term water quality criteria of IMI was 0.47 μg/L, which can be used as the water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic organisms in China. The ecological risk of IMI in China's major river basins was evaluated by the risk quotient method. The results showed that 78.95% of the surface water bodies in China's major watersheds exhibited low risk, and 15.79% were at medium risk. This study can provide a scientific basis for the establishment of water quality criteria for IMI, aquatic organism protection, and aquatic ecological environment management.
Key words:  Imidacloprid  water quality criteria  species sensitivity distribution  ecological risk