引用本文: | 冉蛟,肖克彦,向蓉,郑丙辉.邛海入湖河流水质及其湖区响应特征(2011—2021年).湖泊科学,2023,35(6):1960-1969. DOI:10.18307/2023.0623 |
| Ran Jiao,Xiao Keyan,Xiang Rong,Zheng Binghui.Water quality characteristics of inflow rivers in Lake Qionghai and it's responding relationship with the lake region, 2011-2021. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(6):1960-1969. DOI:10.18307/2023.0623 |
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邛海入湖河流水质及其湖区响应特征(2011—2021年) |
冉蛟1, 肖克彦2, 向蓉1,3, 郑丙辉1
1.中国环境科学研究院, 湖泊水污染治理与生态修复技术国家工程实验室, 北京 100012;2.西昌生态环境监测站, 西昌 615000;3.清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
摘要: |
邛海是云贵高原水域面积>25 km2的11个天然湖泊之一。基于邛海入湖河流与湖区水质监测数据,揭示入湖河流水质特征,并探究其湖区响应。结果表明:2021年,邛海入湖河流水质空间异质性显著,且分为自然型、农业型和城镇型3种类型河流。官坝河等3条自然型河流水质优良,而高仓河等8条城镇型和农业型河流(R4~R11)水质较差,污染物浓度超标严重。2011—2021年,邛海主要入湖河流(官坝河、鹅掌河、小青河)的营养盐浓度呈下降或先增加后下降趋势,水质逐渐改善。流域土地利用变化是导致邛海入湖河流水质空间异质性的主要因素,同时也是河流水质在2011—2021年改善的原因之一。受湖泊水文环境与入湖河流污染类型影响,2017—2021年邛海湖区水环境及其与河流水质响应关系差异性明显:高枧湾水域(L5)水深浅、水环境容量小,主要受纳城镇污水,因而湖区营养盐与叶绿素a浓度高,在2021年达富营养状态;官坝河、鹅掌河与小青河入湖影响区(L1~L3)与小渔村(L4)水域湖水深、水环境容量大,污染物浓度与营养状态指数低,但因汇入的河流污染类型不同,湖区营养水平与河流水质响应存在季节性差异。另外,从污染治理区域来看,入湖河流R4~R11和湖区L5水域应是目前邛海流域水环境修复的重点。 |
关键词: 邛海 入湖河流 水质特征 响应 |
DOI:10.18307/2023.0623 |
分类号: |
基金项目:长江生态环境保护修复联合研究一期项目(2019-LHYJ-01-0202)资助。 |
Water quality characteristics of inflow rivers in Lake Qionghai and it's responding relationship with the lake region, 2011-2021 |
Ran Jiao1, Xiao Keyan2, Xiang Rong1,3, Zheng Binghui1
1.National Engineering Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control and Ecological Restoration, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, P.R. China;2.Xichang Environmental Monitoring Station, Xichang 615000, P.R. China;3.School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R. China
Abstract: |
Lake Qionghai is one of 11 natural lakes in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau with an area of >25 km2. Based on the monitoring data of the Lake and its inflow rivers, the water quality characteristics of the inflow rivers and the response of the lake were explored in this study. Results showed that the water quality of inflow rivers in Lake Qionghai was significantly heterogeneous in 2021, and the 11 rivers could be divided into three pollution types: natural, agricultural, and urban. Three natural rivers, including the Guanba River, had favorable water quality, while eight urban and agricultural rivers (R4-R11), including the Gaocang River, had poor water quality and excessive pollutant concentrations. During 2011-2020, the nutrient concentration of the main inflow rivers (Guanba, Ezhang, and Xiaoqing Rivers) decreased or increased first and then decreased, and water quality gradually improved. The land use change in the catchment was the main factor contributing to the spatial heterogeneity of the river water quality. It was also one of the reasons for the improvement in river water quality from 2011 to 2020. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the water environment and its response to river water quality in Lake Qionghai in 2017-2021 due to the lake's hydrological condition and river pollution types. Gaojianwan (L5) had shallow water and weak environmental capacity, hence its concentration of pollutants and chlorophyll-a was high, reaching a eutrophic state in 2021. Meanwhile, because of the deep water and strong environmental capacity, the pollutant concentration and trophic state index of the lake area of Guanba, Ezhang, and Xiaoqing Rivers (L1-L3) and Xiaoyucun (L4) were low. However, there were seasonal differences in the response between trophic level and river water quality due to the different pollution types of the inflow river. In addition, from the perspective of pollution control areas, the inflow rivers R4-R11 and lake area L5 should be the focus of water environment restoration in the Qionghai basin. |
Key words: Lake Qionghai inflow rivers water quality characteristics response |