





引用本文:任鹏,范中亚,杨忠勇,朱士江,王文才,崔玉洁,和玉芳.沿江城市中小型闸控通江湖泊总磷变化特征及成因分析——以安庆市石塘湖为例.湖泊科学,2023,35(4):1359-1369. DOI:10.18307/2023.0427
Ren Peng,Fan Zhongya,Yang Zhongyong,Zhu Shijiang,Wang Wencai,Cui Yujie,He Yufang.Variation characteristics and causes of total phosphorus in small and medium-sized gate-controlled lakes along the Yangtze River—A case study of Lake Shitang in Anqing City. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(4):1359-1369. DOI:10.18307/2023.0427
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任鹏1,2, 范中亚3, 杨忠勇1, 朱士江1, 王文才3, 崔玉洁1, 和玉芳4
1.三峡大学, 三峡库区生态环境教育部工程研究中心, 宜昌 443002;2.浙江华东工程咨询有限公司, 杭州 311122;3.生态环境部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510655;4.河北省水利规划设计研究院有限公司, 石家庄 050021
关键词:  总磷  闸站调度  水动力  驱动机制  石塘湖  长江
Variation characteristics and causes of total phosphorus in small and medium-sized gate-controlled lakes along the Yangtze River—A case study of Lake Shitang in Anqing City
Ren Peng1,2, Fan Zhongya3, Yang Zhongyong1, Zhu Shijiang1, Wang Wencai3, Cui Yujie1, He Yufang4
1.Engineering Research Center of Eco-Environment in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Ministry of Education, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, P. R. China;2.Power China Zhejiang Huadong Engineering Consulting Corporation Limited, Hangzhou 311122, P. R. China;3.South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Guangzhou 510655, P. R. China;4.Hebei Water Resources Planning and Design Institute Co. LTD, Shijiazhuang 050021, P. R. China
The gate-controlled lakes along the middle and lower reaches of theYangze River are generally facing with the phenomenon of high total phosphorus concentration. Analyzing the spatiotemporal variation characteristics and impact driving mechanisms of total phosphorus has become a key issue that needs to be urgently addressed before precise governance and restoration of such lakes. Based on the measured meteorological rainfall, hydrology, water quality and other data of Lake Shitang, a small and medium-sized gate-controlled lake in the suburbs of Anqing City along the Yangtze River, this paper uses the methods of multi factor correlation analysis, coefficient of variation and principal component analysis to study the response relationship between each index factor and the temporal and spatial changes of total phosphorus concentration in the lake. The results show that: (1) the clustering effect of lake water quality is significant during the abundant (May-August), flat (March-April and September-October), and dry (November-February of the following year), but the spatial differences of lakes are not significant. The seasonal changes in lake water quality are controlled by changes in total phosphorus concentration, while other physical and chemical indicators have a weaker impact. (2) The hydrodynamic changes under high intensity rainfall and flood season gate station scheduling determine the migration rate of pollutants, which is the main driving factor that makes the total phosphorus concentration in lakes more susceptible to the impact of river input during the flood season and reaches its peak. (3) The seasonal input of rivers entering the lake caused by high-intensity human activities is the decisive factor for the increase of total phosphorus in Lake Shitang. From the perspective of the unit total phosphorus load generated by unit land use type, agricultural land is far greater than urban construction land, and forest and grassland serve as the pre sink of pollutants entering the lake. Therefore, from the perspective of governance strategies and approaches, it is possible to control external inputs while appropriately adjusting gate stations to reduce the hydrodynamic intensity during the high water season, reduce the impact of total phosphorus input into rivers entering the lake, and at the same time, exert the retention and purification capacity of lake nutrients. This article mainly analyzes the changes, influencing factors, and driving mechanisms of total phosphorus in Lake Shitang, a gate controlled lake in the suburbs of the Yangtze River, from the perspective of external pollution caused by human activities and gate station discharge scheduling. It can provide theoretical reference for the pollution control of small and medium-sized gate controlled lakes in such suburbs.
Key words:  Total phosphorus  regulation station  hydrodynamic  driving mechanism  Lake Shitang  Yangtze River