





引用本文:孟靖雅,宋浩铭,解飞,张杰,苏莹,张议文,李志军.富营养湖泊冰封期物理因子对初级生产力的驱动作用:以辽宁含章湖为例.湖泊科学,2023,35(4):1268-1278. DOI:10.18307/2023.0420
Meng Jingya,Song Haoming,Xie Fei,Zhang Jie,Su Ying,Zhang Yiwen,Li Zhijun.Driving effect of physical factors on primary productivity in a eutrophic lake during ice-covered period: A case study of Lake Hanzhang in Liaoning. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(4):1268-1278. DOI:10.18307/2023.0420
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孟靖雅1, 宋浩铭1, 解飞2, 张杰1, 苏莹1, 张议文1, 李志军2
1.大连理工大学, 海洋科学与技术学院, 盘锦 124221;2.大连理工大学, 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室, 大连 116024
与非冰封期水体相比,冰封期湖泊初级生产力的研究较为薄弱,一方面在于完整冰封期的调查观测数据仍然较少,而完整的冰下初级生产力变化过程对于理解冰下生态系统对环境因子的响应至关重要,另一方面物理过程与冰下生态的联系仍然有待明确。本研究于2021-2022年冬季期间在大辽河口沿岸的含章湖开展野外调查,通过垂向归纳模型(vertically generalized production model,VGPM)计算了冰下初级生产力,分析了冰封期中初级生产力完整的变化过程,并探讨了冰封期初级生产力的关键物理驱动因素。结果表明:冰封期初级生产力呈现波动爬升的趋势,平均值为0.20 g C/(m2·d);整个冰封期可以划分为3 个时期,即结冰期、缓慢融冰期和快速融冰期,不同时期初级生产力的关键驱动因子不同,在结冰期水温是控制初级生产力的关键因素,在缓慢融冰期冰水界面光合有效辐射强度(photosynthetically active radiation,PAR)是控制初级生产力的关键因素,在快速融冰期水温和冰水界面PAR同时控制初级生产力。在结冰期冰下水体富营养化程度逐渐增加,在融冰期初级生产力随着升温和光照增强而迅速增加,因此需要对冰下水体中的生物活动及水质变化加强关注。
关键词:  冰封期  初级生产力  VGPM模型  富营养化  含章湖
Driving effect of physical factors on primary productivity in a eutrophic lake during ice-covered period: A case study of Lake Hanzhang in Liaoning
Meng Jingya1, Song Haoming1, Xie Fei2, Zhang Jie1, Su Ying1, Zhang Yiwen1, Li Zhijun2
1.Department of Ocean Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Panjin 124221, P. R. China;2.State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, P. R. China
The study on the primary productivity of lakes during the ice-covered periods is weak, comparing with that during the open water periods. There is still little data on the survey and observation of complete ice-covered period, which is crucial for understanding the response of ecosystem to environmental factors under the ice. The relationships between physical processes and ecology under the ice remain unclear. In this study, the primary productivity was calculated by modified vertically generalized production model (VGPM), based on the field investigation and monitoring in Lake Hanzhang, near the estuary of the Daliao River, during the winter of 2021-2022. The complete change process of primary productivity was analysed, and the key factors affecting the primary productivity in the ice-covered period were discussed. The results indicated that the primary productivity showed a trend of increasing in fluctuations, with an average value of 0.20 g C/(m2·d). The ice-covered period was divided into three sub-periods, ice freezing, melting slowly and melting rapidly, according to temporal distribution of the ice thickness, the depth of the euphotic zone and the primary productivity. During the freezing period, water temperature was the key factor to control the primary productivity, while photosynthetically active radiation at the ice-water interface controlled in melting slowly period. Water temperature and PAR at the ice-water interface drove the primary productivity simultaneously in the melting rapidly period. During the freezing period, the eutrophication under the ice gradually deepened. The chlorophyll-a concentration contributed most to the comprehensive eutrophication index. The primary productivity increased rapidly with warming and light intensity at the end of melting period, hence, more attentions need to be paid to the biological activities under the ice in the future studies.
Key words:  Ice-covered period  primary productivity  VGPM model  eutrophication  Lake Hanzhang