





引用本文:尚时雨,程凯.较高的代表性排放路径等级能提高噬藻体的感染力.湖泊科学,2023,35(4):1212-1221. DOI:10.18307/2023.0415
Shang Shiyu,Cheng Kai.The increasing of the infectivity of cyanophages at higher representative concentration pathway scenarios. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(4):1212-1221. DOI:10.18307/2023.0415
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尚时雨, 程凯
湖北工业大学环境与水利工程学院, 河湖生态修复与藻类利用湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430068
由于大气二氧化碳浓度升高和升温对噬藻体的感染力存在复杂的联合作用,本文在以下代表性排放路径(RCP)所对应的大气二氧化碳浓度和温度同步升高的条件下对席藻进行了10个月的培养:(1)25℃+400 ppm(CK组),(2)27.4℃+538 ppm(RCP4.5),(3)28.0℃+670 ppm(RCP6.0),(4)29.8℃+936 ppm(RCP8.5),测定了席藻的生长曲线和噬藻体PP裂解席藻的感染力指标(包括吸附率、潜伏期、裂解周期、裂解率、释放量及席藻对紫外损伤噬藻体的光修复率)。结果表明,RCP4.5的影响不明显,随着RCP等级的进一步提高,席藻生长加速,噬藻体PP的潜伏期和裂解周期缩短、裂解率和释放量增加。特别是,RCP8.5比RCP6.0条件下的裂解周期更短、释放量更大。此外,各RCP等级下的吸附率没有显著差异,而光修复率却在RCP8.5条件下显著提高。结果说明,当大气二氧化碳浓度和温度的同步升高超过RCP4.5后,席藻的生长和噬藻体PP的感染力总体上均会增加,且不同指标的响应是不同步的,预示着:伴随全球气候变化的加剧,宿主藻生长的加速和藻类病毒感染力的增强是不同步的,并可能在特定条件下改变藻类病毒与其宿主藻的生态平衡。
关键词:  温室效应  蓝藻  病毒  一步生长曲线  紫外线
The increasing of the infectivity of cyanophages at higher representative concentration pathway scenarios
Shang Shiyu, Cheng Kai
Hubei Key Laboratory of Ecological Restoration for River-Lakes and Algal Utilization for College of Environment and Hydrotechny, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, P. R. China
The combined influence of the elevation of pCO2 and warming on the infectivity of cyanophage was highly complex. Thus, to study the influence of the synchronous elevation of pCO2 and temperature on the infectivity of cyanophage, Phormidium sp. grown for 10 months under following representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios has been undertaken: (1) 25℃+400 ppm pCO2 (control); and (2) 27.4℃+538 ppm pCO2 (RCP4.5); (3) 28.0℃+670 ppm pCO2 (RCP6.0); (4) 29.8℃+936 ppm pCO2 (RCP8.5). The growth curves of Phormidium sp. and the infectivity characters of cyanophage PP, including adsorption ratio, latent period, lytic cycle, lytic ratio, burst size and photoreactivation ratio of UV-decayed cyanopahge, were measured. The results indicated that the influence at RCP4.5 condition was not obvious. While, at higher RCP conditions, the growth of Phormidium sp. was accelerated, and cyanophage PP showed shorter latent period and lytic cycle, also, higher lytic ratio and burst size were observed. Moreover, comparing to RCP6.0 condition, cyanophage PP showed shorter lytic cycle and higher burst size at RCP8.5 condition. However, the adsorption ratio was not significant different among different treatments, while the photoreactivation ratio increased significantly at RCP8.5 condition. In another word, although the overall growth of Phormidium sp. and the overall infectivity of cyanophage PP both increased when the synchronous elevation of pCO2 and temperature was more than RCP4.5, the responses of different parameters were not always synchronous. Therefore, these results imply that, the asynchronous increment of host growth and viral infectivity may alter the ecological balance between algal-virus and their hosts at certain stages during the progress of climate change.
Key words:  Greenhouse effect  cyanobacteria  virus  one-step growth curve  ultraviolet radiation