





引用本文:谭佩阳,侯志勇,谢永宏,李峰,杨扬,陈薇,李阳.湿地植物固体碳源养分释放动态及其对人工湿地水体脱氮效率的影响.湖泊科学,2022,34(5):1562-1569. DOI:10.18307/2022.0512
Tan Peiyang,Hou Zhiyong,Xie Yonghong,Li Feng,Yang Yang,Chen Wei,Li Yang.Dynamics of nutrient release from solid carbon sources of wetland plants and its effect on the efficiency of nitrogen removal from artificial wetland water bodies. J. Lake Sci.2022,34(5):1562-1569. DOI:10.18307/2022.0512
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谭佩阳1,2, 侯志勇1, 谢永宏1, 李峰1, 杨扬3, 陈薇3, 李阳3
1.中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所农业生态过程重点实验室,中国科学院洞庭湖湿地生态系统观测研究站,长沙 410125;2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049;3.湖南农业大学园艺学院,长沙 410128
污水低碳氮比(C/N)是影响人工湿地氮去除效果限制因素,传统的碳源添加及利用存在成本较高、补充困难的局限性. 本研究契合“就地取材,原位处理”的废物利用原则,选择人工湿地常见的水生植物和农业废弃物(玉米芯、稻草)作为对照,对比了挺水植物(香蒲、美人蕉)、浮叶植物(莲)、沉水植物(菹草)、湿生植物(南荻、短尖苔草)的释碳能力,初步确定了以香蒲、美人蕉、南荻为代表的植物具有较好的释放碳能力,在中国湿地中分布广泛,且均对水体二次污染较小. 以南荻、美人蕉、玉米芯作为碳源添加的模拟人工湿地实验验证表明,在低碳氮比的模拟表流人工湿地投入植物碳源,能有效提高系统的脱氮效率,对照组、南荻组、美人蕉组和玉米芯组的出水总氮浓度分别为(5.24±0.07)、(4.50±0.10)、(3.75±0.17)和(2.97±0.18)mg/L,对应的去除率分别为58%、64%、70%和76%,确定南荻和美人蕉植物残体以及改性材料均残体和改性材料适合作为人工湿地中原位利用的外加碳源. 本研究探索了通过湿地植物配置解决人工湿地水体低C/N比的问题,为提高湿地脱氮效果提供了有意义的新途径.
关键词:  人工湿地  碳源利用  湿地植物  污水脱氮
Dynamics of nutrient release from solid carbon sources of wetland plants and its effect on the efficiency of nitrogen removal from artificial wetland water bodies
Tan Peiyang1,2, Hou Zhiyong1, Xie Yonghong1, Li Feng1, Yang Yang3, Chen Wei3, Li Yang3
1.Key Laboratory of Agro-ecological Processes in Subtropical Region, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dongting Lake Station for Wetland Ecosystem Research, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, P. R. China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China;3.College of Horticulture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, P. R. China
The low carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) of wastewater is a limiting factor of nitrogen removal in artificial wetlands, and traditional carbon sources are costly and difficult to replenish. This study, taking aquatic plants and agricultural wastes (corn cobs and rice straw) which commonly exist in artificial wetlands as a reference, compared the carbon release capacity of water-supporting plants (Typha orientalis and Canna indica), floating-leaf plants (Nelumbo nucifera), submerged plants (Potamogeton crispus), and wet plants (Triarrhena lutarioriparia and Carex brevicuspis). The results show that the plants, such as Typha orientalis, Canna indica and Triarrhena lutarioriparia, which widely distribute in wetlands of China, have high carbon release capacities and have less secondary pollution to water bodies. The experiments of artificial wetlands added with Triarrhena lutarioriparia, Typha orientalis and corn cob as carbon source explored that addition of plant carbon source in the surface flow of artificial wetlands with low C/N ratio could effectively improve the denitrification efficiency of the system. Total nitrogen concentration of the control group, Triarrhena lutarioriparia group, Typha orientalis group and corn cob group were (5.24±0.07), (4.50±0.10), (3.75±0.17) and (2.97±0.18) mg/L, respectively. Correspondingly, the removal rates account for 58%, 64%, 70% and 76%, respectively. It is confirmed that plant residues and modified materials of Triarrhena lutarioriparia and Canna indica were appropriate as an in-situ source of additional carbon in artificial wetlands. Exploring the low C/N ratio in artificial wetlands through wetland plant configuration would provide a new way to improve wetland denitrification.
Key words:  Artificial wetland  carbon source utilization  wetland plant  wastewater denitrification