





引用本文:陈召莹,张甜娜,张紫薇,周石磊,董宛佳,崔建升,罗晓.白洋淀春季沉积物好氧反硝化菌群落结构特征及对溶解性有机物的响应.湖泊科学,2022,34(2):538-552. DOI:10.18307/2022.0215
Chen Zhaoying,Zhang Tianna,Zhang Ziwei,Zhou Shilei,Dong Wanjia,Cui Jiansheng,Luo Xiao.Aerobic denitrifying bacteria community structure and response of aerobic denitrifying bacteria to dissloved organic matter in the sediments in Lake Baiyangdian in the spring. J. Lake Sci.2022,34(2):538-552. DOI:10.18307/2022.0215
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陈召莹, 张甜娜, 张紫薇, 周石磊, 董宛佳, 崔建升, 罗晓
河北科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 河北省污染防治生物技术实验室, 石家庄 050018
关键词:  白洋淀  沉积物  好氧反硝化  溶解性有机物  荧光区域积分法  响应机制
Aerobic denitrifying bacteria community structure and response of aerobic denitrifying bacteria to dissloved organic matter in the sediments in Lake Baiyangdian in the spring
Chen Zhaoying, Zhang Tianna, Zhang Ziwei, Zhou Shilei, Dong Wanjia, Cui Jiansheng, Luo Xiao
Pollution Prevention Biotechnology Laboratory of Hebei Province, School of Environmental Science and Enginnering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, P. R. China
Aerobic denitrification has become a research hotspot in biological denitrification in recent years due to its unique advantages. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) as a carbon source is the important reason for community differences. To explore the responding mechanism of aerobic denitrifying bacteria community structure to dissolved organic matter in different functional areas of Lake Baiyangdian, this paper combines the fluorescence area integration method and the high-throughput sequencing technology of napA denitrification genes to study the characteristics of the aerobic denitrifying bacterial community structure and responding mechanism in Lake Baiyangdian. The results showed that the concentration of protein-like components was higher than that of humic-like components in the organic matter of Lake Baiyangdian sediments in spring. Among them, the protein-like components in the culture area were the largest, reaching 79.63%±3.79%, and the humus-like component in the primitive area was the largest, reaching 33.91%±6.32%; A total of 3693 OTUs were acquired high Throughput sequencing, which was divided into 9 main phyla. Among them, the Proteobacteria accounted for the largest proportion, reaching over 99%; the α diversity Chao1 index showed significant spatial differences, and the travel area>the living area>the entry area>the original area>the breeding area; the main species of aerobic denitrifying bacteria include Aeromonas, Sulfuritortus, Cupriavidus, Pseudomonas and Thaurea, Ferrimonas, as an indicator species, contributes the most to the difference; Redundant analysis found that the components of fulvic acid-like substances and microbial metabolites in the visible light area are the main reasons for the differences in aerobic denitrifying bacteria in different functional areas. In summary, this research will not only help to further understand the characteristics of the nitrogen cycle microorganisms in the natural environment; it will also provide a reference for the selection of carbon sources suitable for efficient bacterial screening in the practical environment.
Key words:  Lake Baiyangdian  sediment  aerobic denitrification  dissolved organic matter  fluorescence region integral method  responding mechanism