





引用本文:张民,史小丽,阳振,陈开宁.太湖和巢湖中微囊藻(Microcystis)与长孢藻(Dolichospermum)的长时序变化及其驱动因子.湖泊科学,2021,33(4):1051-1061. DOI:10.18307/2021.0408
Zhang Min,Shi Xiaoli,Yang Zhen,Chen Kaining.Characteristics and driving factors of the long-term shifts between Microcystis and Dolichospermum in Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu. J. Lake Sci.2021,33(4):1051-1061. DOI:10.18307/2021.0408
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张民, 史小丽, 阳振, 陈开宁
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 南京 210008
关键词:  太湖  巢湖  蓝藻水华  微囊藻  长孢藻  长时序  驱动因子
Characteristics and driving factors of the long-term shifts between Microcystis and Dolichospermum in Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu
Zhang Min, Shi Xiaoli, Yang Zhen, Chen Kaining
State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
With increasing nutrient management efforts in China, the nutrient levels, especially nitrogen level, have shown significantly decreasing trends recently in Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu. For example, the total nitrogen in Lake Taihu has decreased significantly since 2007, and NH3-N in Lake Chaohu also showed decreasing trend. However, the interspecific variation of bloom-forming cyanobacteria in the two lakes showed different patterns. The dominance of Dolichospermum increased in Lake Taihu, and decreased in Lake Chaohu. In order to illuminate the shift process and driving factors, we analysed the long-term dynamics between Microcystis and Dolichospermum biomass in Lake Taihu (1993-2015) and Lake Chaohu (2012-2018). Our results showed that Microcystis biomass in the two lakes maintained high level in the past years. The dynamics of Microcystis biomass was related to the variation of phosphorus level in the two lakes, and phosphorus was the primary driving factor for the variation of Microcystis biomass. Dolichospermum biomass fluctuated during the past decades in Lake Taihu, and increased significantly since 2007. While that in Lake Chaohu decreased obviously. Nitrogen was the main factor for the variation of Dolichospermum biomass. The Microcystis biomass was sensitive to the variation in phosphorus level, and Microcystis would thrive rapidly and competitively exclude Dolichospermum under high temperature and phosphorus level condition. Dolichospermum could dominate by two ways: the advantage in low temperature niche and fixing N2. If the nitrogen level was relatively low, and the temperature was lower than that in where Microcystis dominate, Dolichospermum would dominate by the advantage in low temperature niche. If the nitrogen was limiting, Dolichospermum would dominate by fixing N2, even in summer. However, the key temperature and nitrogen values are not clear. Our findings will be helpful for making policy about nutrient management, which will be different in window period and nutrient classes depending on Microcystis and Dolichospermum.
Key words:  Lake Taihu  Lake Chaohu  cyanobacterial blooms  Microcystis  Dolichospermum  long-term shifts  driving factors