





引用本文:王天佑,夏品华,林陶,杜欣.贵州草海湿地不同生境周丛生物碳、氮、磷生态化学计量学.湖泊科学,2021,33(3):774-784. DOI:10.18307/2021.0313
Wang Tianyou,Xia Pinhua,Lin Tao,Du Xin.Ecological stoichiometry of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus of periphyton in different habitats of Caohai Wetland, Guizhou Province. J. Lake Sci.2021,33(3):774-784. DOI:10.18307/2021.0313
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王天佑1,2, 夏品华1,2, 林陶1,2, 杜欣1,2
1.贵州师范大学贵州省山地环境信息系统与生态环境保护重点实验室, 贵阳 550001;2.贵州师范大学高原湿地生态与环境研究中心, 贵阳 550001
关键词:  生态化学计量学  周丛生物  生长期  衰老期  内稳性  贵州草海
Ecological stoichiometry of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus of periphyton in different habitats of Caohai Wetland, Guizhou Province
Wang Tianyou1,2, Xia Pinhua1,2, Lin Tao1,2, Du Xin1,2
1.Key Laboratory for Information System of Mountainous Areas and Protection of Ecological Environment of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550001, P. R. China;2.Plateau Wetland Ecology and Environment Research Center, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, P. R. China
To understand the changes and influencing factors of the periphyton ecological stoichiometry of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in the wetland, we analyzed the ecological stoichiometry of C, N, and P in two growth stages (periphyton growth period and periphyton decline period) in four different habitats (lakeside zone, artificial wetland, farmland ditch, and sewage treatment plant) of Caohai Wetland in Guizhou Province. The results show that the trophic level index was in the order of sewage treatment plant (51.55±4.50)> farmland ditches (50.41±4.50)> constructed wetland (47.20±6.72)> lakeside zone (41.86±6.91), and the water quality from upstream to downstream show a trend of gradual improvement. Interestingly, the contents of C, N, and P in periphyton increased with increasing water nutrient concentration, while the periphyton stoichiometric ratio shows a decreasing trend. The contents of C, N, P and C:N of periphyton in the growing period were lower than those in the decline period in the same habitat but the contents of N:P and C:P were opposite. The elements of N and P in the growth period of the periphyton are weakly stable (HN=2.358, HP=2.576), and the aging stage is the steady-state type (HN=10.99, HP=5.78). On the whole, the N:P of periphyton in the two growth stages is in steady-state (HN:P=4.504). According to the measurement ratio of the optimal growth rate of the periphyton, the lakeside zone is in the P-restricted state, while the constructed wetlands, sewage treatment plants, and farmland ditches are not subject to nutrient restrictions. Correlation analysis shows that the content of N, P, and the stoichiometric ratio of periphyton are significantly affected by the level of water nutrition, especially total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) concentrations. Non-linear surface fitting analysis shows that N:P of periphyton is mainly affected by the changes of TP concentration, while C:N is mainly affected by TN concentration, and TN and TP concentrations are equally important to C:P. This study shows that the three-dimensional model based on the TP and TN concentrations of water, and the stoichiometric ratio of periphyton can be used to evaluate the relationship between the trophic level of the water and the stoichiometry of periphyton.
Key words:  Ecological stoichiometry  periphyton  growth period  decline period  homeostasis  Caohai Wetland of Guizhou Province