





引用本文:彭宁彦,戴国飞,张伟,葛刚,杨平,郭春晶,方媛瑗.鄱阳湖不同湖区营养盐状态及藻类种群对比.湖泊科学,2018,30(5):1295-1308. DOI:10.18307/2018.0512
PENG Ningyan,DAI Guofei,ZHANG Wei,GE Gang,YANG Ping,GUO Chunjing,FANG Yuanyuan.Differences in nutrition condition and algae population in different areas of Poyang Lake. J. Lake Sci.2018,30(5):1295-1308. DOI:10.18307/2018.0512
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彭宁彦1,2, 戴国飞2, 张伟2, 葛刚1, 杨平2, 郭春晶2, 方媛瑗2
1.南昌大学生命科学学院, 南昌 330031;2.江西省水利科学研究院, 南昌 330029
关键词:  蓝藻水华  微囊藻毒素  鄱阳湖  碟形湖  水生态安全
Differences in nutrition condition and algae population in different areas of Poyang Lake
PENG Ningyan1,2, DAI Guofei2, ZHANG Wei2, GE Gang1, YANG Ping2, GUO Chunjing2, FANG Yuanyuan2
1.School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, P. R. China;2.Jiangxi Institute of Water Sciences, Nanchang 330029, P. R. China
Shallow dished lakes, isolated bays and the main water body of Poyang Lake were studied during common water period, flood period and drought period. The water, phytoplankton and dissolved microcystin samples were collected and analyzed. Results showed that in all periods, water quality and algae population varied greatly among the three areas. Dissolved microcystin concentration correlated well with Fe content in the sediment. Cyanobacteria was the dominant specie in the isolated bays during all periods. In common water period, algae biomass was positively correlated with pH and negatively correlated with water depth. Nutrient concentrations and algae cell density in the shallow dished lakes were much lower than those of the other water bodies. In flood period, algae biomass was positively correlated with total phosphorus concentration and turbidity while variance of water quality among different water bodies was relatively small. Cyanobacteria, especially Microcystis, became the dominant specie in all water bodies, while algae cell density and biomass in the shallow dished lakes were the lowest. In drought period, shallow dished lakes were isolated from the main water body of Poyang Lake with very poor water mobility, which may increase the risk of algae bloom. Algae biomass was positively correlated with total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and water conductivity. In both flood and drought periods with high temperature condition, dissolved microcystin concentration correlated well with Fe content in the sediment. This indicated that Fe may promote microcystin production and Fe enriched red soil erosion around Poyang Lake may exacerbate the risk of algae bloom. The present study can provide some guidance for water pollution control and aquatic environment risk warning of Poyang Lake.
Key words:  Cyanobacteria bloom  microcystin  Poyang Lake  shallow dished lakes  aquatic ecosystem security