





引用本文:陈锋,雷欢,郑海涛,王文君,方艳红,杨钟,黄道明.珠江干流梯级开发对鱼类的影响与减缓对策.湖泊科学,2018,30(4):1097-1108. DOI:10.18307/2018.0422
CHEN Feng,LEI Huan,ZHENG Haitao,WANG Wenjun,FANG Yanhong,YANG Zhong,HUANG Daoming.Impacts of cascade reservoirs on fishes in the mainstream of Pearl River and mitigation measures. J. Lake Sci.2018,30(4):1097-1108. DOI:10.18307/2018.0422
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陈锋, 雷欢, 郑海涛, 王文君, 方艳红, 杨钟, 黄道明
水利部中国科学院水工程生态研究所, 水利部水工程生态效应与生态修复重点实验室, 武汉 430079
关键词:  珠江  梯级开发  鱼类  影响  减缓对策
Impacts of cascade reservoirs on fishes in the mainstream of Pearl River and mitigation measures
CHEN Feng, LEI Huan, ZHENG Haitao, WANG Wenjun, FANG Yanhong, YANG Zhong, HUANG Daoming
Key Laboratory of Ecological Impacts of Hydraulic-Projects and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystem of Ministry of Water Resources, Institute of Hydroecology, Ministry of Water Resources and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430079, P. R. China
The fish resources in the mainstream and its tributaries of the Pearl River from Longtan Dam to Changzhou Dam were investigated in June-July 2013. A total of 6418 fish specimens were collected, belonging to 10 orders, 23 families, 82 genera and 122 species. This study analysed the species composition and distribution, ecological types of fishes, sampling result of rare and endemic fish, the community similarity and diversity of fishes of each sample reach, and compared with the historical record. Overall, after cascade reservoirs in the Pearl River, massive changes in fish resources had taken place, such as river migratory fish and estuarine fish distribution range becoming narrow due to the dam barrier effect; rare and endemic fish being more endangered due to habitat loss; flow water fish species decreasing significantly in the reservoirs, while the static flow fish becoming the dominant species; and exotic fish species multiplying and distributing widely. Some other reasons for the decline of fish resources in the Pearl River mainstream were analysed, including overfishing, habitat destruction, water pollution, invasion of exotic fish and so on. In view of the Pearl River cascade reservoirs and the status of fishery resources, this study proposed mitigation measures such as habitat protection, restoration of river connectivity, fish breeding and releasing station construction, ecological scheduling, fishery management and ecological compensation.
Key words:  Pearl River  cascade reservoirs  fish  impact  mitigation measures