





引用本文:乔煜琦,江海洋,李星,王志刚,陈小锋.蓝藻水华暴发和衰亡对太湖有色可溶性有机物的影响.湖泊科学,2018,30(4):907-915. DOI:10.18307/2018.0404
QIAO Yuqi,JIANG Haiyang,LI Xing,WANG Zhigang,CHEN Xiaofeng.Impacts of cyanobacterial blooms outbreak and decline on chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Lake Taihu. J. Lake Sci.2018,30(4):907-915. DOI:10.18307/2018.0404
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乔煜琦, 江海洋, 李星, 王志刚, 陈小锋
扬州大学环境科学与工程学院, 扬州 225127
关键词:  蓝藻水华  有色可溶性有机物  组成结构  平行因子分析法  光谱学  太湖  梅梁湾
Impacts of cyanobacterial blooms outbreak and decline on chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Lake Taihu
QIAO Yuqi, JIANG Haiyang, LI Xing, WANG Zhigang, CHEN Xiaofeng
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, P. R. China
Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) was applied to assess the composition of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) from the excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectra of the water samples collected from Meiliang Bay and the open area in Lake Taihu during a cyanobacterial bloom event, and three fluorescent components were identified:a tyrosine-like component, a tryptophan-like component and a humic-like component. Correlation analysis showed that the concentrations of chlorophyll-a(Chl.a) were significantly correlated with the fluorescence intensities of the three components, respectively, as well as the proportion of humic-like to total fluorescence intensities, suggesting that cyanobacteria might be an important source of CDOM and can greatly change the composition of CDOM in Lake Taihu. For further investigation, a simulation experiment was performed on the shore of Meiliang Bay. PARAFAC model showed that the number of components and the spectral characteristics of CDOM EEM data from the simulation experiment are similar in terms of the number of fluorescence peaks and their position to previously identified components in the water samples from Lake Taihu, except that the fluorescence peaks of humic acids showed a certain degree of blue shift, which suggested that endogenous humic substances were produced during the simulation experiment. It was found that the higher initial concentrations of Chl.a, the greater contribution of humic acids to total CDOM fluorescence intensity derived by the PARAFAC model. Moreover, at the end of the experiment, the ratios of humic substances to total fluorescent substances increased significantly in the two treatments with relatively high concentrations of cyanobacteria. Thus, the long-term outbreak of cyanobacterial blooms can significantly alter the composition of the CDOM in lakes, resulting in an increase of the proportion of humic-like substances.
Key words:  Cyanobacterial bloom  chromophoric dissolved organic matter  composition and structure  PARAFAC  spectroscopy  Lake Taihu  Meiliang Bay