





引用本文:蒋尚明,曹秀清,金菊良,袁先江,许浒,张礼兵.基于模拟优化与正交试验的库塘联合灌溉系统水资源调控.湖泊科学,2018,30(2):519-532. DOI:10.18307/2018.0223
JIANG Shangming,CAO Xiuqing,JIN Juliang,YUAN Xianjiang,XU Hu,ZHANG Libing.Water resources regulation research of reservoirs and ponds combined irrigation system based on simulation optimization and orthogonal experiment. J. Lake Sci.2018,30(2):519-532. DOI:10.18307/2018.0223
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蒋尚明1, 曹秀清1, 金菊良2,3, 袁先江1, 许浒1, 张礼兵2,3
1.安徽省水利部淮河水利委员会水利科学研究院, 水利水资源安徽省重点实验室, 合肥 230088;2.合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院, 合肥 230009;3.合肥工业大学水资源与环境系统工程研究所, 合肥 230009
关键词:  水资源调控  模拟优化  正交试验  遗传算法  巢湖流域  大官塘水库  库塘联合灌溉系统
Water resources regulation research of reservoirs and ponds combined irrigation system based on simulation optimization and orthogonal experiment
JIANG Shangming1, CAO Xiuqing1, JIN Juliang2,3, YUAN Xianjiang1, XU Hu1, ZHANG Libing2,3
1.Key Laboratory of Water Conservancy and Water Resources of Anhui Province, Water Resources Research Institute of Anhui Province and Huaihe River Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, Hefei 230088, P. R. China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, P. R. China;3.Institute of Water Resources and Environmental Systems Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, P. R. China
Based on the long sequence test results of mutual transformation between precipitation and crop water consumption and soil water from irrigation experimental station, water simulation module of the whole process of field scale Storage-Water Consumption-Irrigation-Drainages was built. Combined with the system simulation method, the simulation rules of water allocation for different types of ponds and backbone reservoirs are formulated. Then the water distribution simulation model of reservoirs and ponds combined irrigation system is established, to simulate irrigation water of diversion and pumping station, precipitation, soil water and their mutual transformation of Daguantang Reservoir irrigated area. To maximize economic efficiency as the goal under precondition of basic water irrigation water supply security. By using the principle of orthogonal test, water resources optimal regulation model of reservoirs and ponds combined irrigation system is constructed. Based on the simulation and orthogonal experiment, the water resources optimization control technology system is formed. The reasonable engineering layout size and scale of the Daguantang Reservoirs irrigation district are determined. The suitable water saving irrigation technology model and irrigation system are determined. Scientific scheduling rules of bonds and reservoirs are developed. Operable rules of crop planting structure adjustment are proposed. Storing runoff utilization of irrigation district is improved. To enhance the annual water supply capacity of bonds and reservoirs and the ability of drought resistance and disaster reduction. To provide theoretical basis for comprehensive treatment of Lake Chaohu Basin and the establishment of water allocation scheme of reservoirs and ponds combined irrigation district, scheduling rules of bonds and reservoirs and crop irrigation system.
Key words:  Water resources regulation  simulation and optimization  orthogonal experiment  genetic algorithm  Lake Chaohu Basin  Daguantang Reservoir  reservoirs and ponds combined irrigation system