





引用本文:卢俊平,马太玲,刘廷玺,张晓晶,于淑玉.京蒙沙源区水库大气磷干、湿沉降污染特征.湖泊科学,2017,29(1):127-134. DOI:10.18307/2017.0114
LU Junping,MA Tailing,LIU Tingxi,ZHANG Xiaojing,YU Shuyu.Pollution characteristics of atmospheric dry and wet phosphorus deposition on a reservoir in sand source areas of Beijing-Inner Mongolia. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(1):127-134. DOI:10.18307/2017.0114
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卢俊平, 马太玲, 刘廷玺, 张晓晶, 于淑玉
内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院, 呼和浩特 010018
为阐明典型沙源区水库大气磷干、湿沉降的污染特征及其对水域磷素污染的贡献,为水库富营养化治理提供科学依据,以京蒙沙源区大河口水库库区为研究区,于2014年沿水库岸边布设12个大气沉降监测站点,采集干、湿沉降样品,测定干、湿沉降中总磷(TP)浓度,计算全年各月大气TP干、湿沉降通量和年入库TP污染负荷量.结果表明:研究区大气干、湿沉降季节差异显著,全年各月TP干沉降通量变化范围为4.89~35.76 kg/(km2·月),主要集中在春季4月和秋季10月.最大TP干沉降通量出现在春季风沙最为严重的4月;湿沉降主要集中在夏季(68月),最大TP湿沉降通量出现在降雨量最大的8月,为28.88 kg/(km2·月),且TP湿沉降通量与降雨量呈显著正相关.2014年大气TP沉降入库污染负荷量为0.719 t,占同期滦河和吐力根河两条河流入库TP污染负荷比率为51.17%,成为影响和限制大河口水库磷营养盐水平的重要源项之一.
关键词:  京蒙沙源区  大河口水库  总磷  干沉降  湿沉降
Pollution characteristics of atmospheric dry and wet phosphorus deposition on a reservoir in sand source areas of Beijing-Inner Mongolia
LU Junping, MA Tailing, LIU Tingxi, ZHANG Xiaojing, YU Shuyu
Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, P. R. China
To illustrate pollution characteristics of atmospheric dry and wet phosphorus deposition of reservoir in the typical sand source area and their contribution to the water phosphorus pollution in order to provide scientific basis for governance of the reservoir eutrophication, we set 12 atmospheric precipitation monitoring sites along the reservoir shore in 2014 in Dahekou Reservoir area in sand source areas of Beijing-Inner Mongolia, and collected dry and wet sedimentation samples to determine concentration of total phosphorus (TP) in dry and wet subsidence and to calculate the yearly and monthly fluxes and the annual storage of TP loading. The results showed that atmospheric TP dry and wet deposition had significantly seasonal differences in the study area. The TP dry deposition flux ranged between 4.89-35.76 kg/(km2·month)in the year, and was mainly concentrated in the spring (April) and autumn (October). The maximum of TP dry deposition flux appeared in the most serious sandstorm month of spring (April). Wet deposition was mainly concentrated in the summer (June to August). The maximum of TP wet subsidence flux appeared in the largest rainfall month (August), and its value was 28.88 kg/(km2·month). The TP wet subsidence flux was significantly positively related with rainfall. Atmospheric pollutant load of TP subsidence storage was 0.719 t in 2014, and the ratio of TP pollution load of both Luan River and Tuligen River storage was 51.17% in the same period. They have become one of the important source term of influencing and restricting the phosphorus nutrient levels in Dahekou Reservoir.
Key words:  Sand source areas of Beijing-Inner Mongolia  Dahekou Reservoir  total phosphorus  dry deposition  wet deposition