





引用本文:王雁,黄佳聪,闫人华,高俊峰.湖泊湿地的水质净化效应——以太湖三山湿地为例.湖泊科学,2016,28(1):124-131. DOI:10.18307/2016.0114
WANG Yan,HUANG Jiacong,YAN Renhua,GAO Junfeng.Nutrient removal efficiency of lake wetlands:A case study of Sanshan Wetland in Lake Taihu, eastern China. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(1):124-131. DOI:10.18307/2016.0114
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王雁, 黄佳聪, 闫人华, 高俊峰
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 中国科学院流域地理学重点实验室, 南京 210008
为了解湖泊湿地的水质净化效果,以太湖三山湿地为研究对象,综合利用遥感、GIS技术、现场水质监测、实验室分析和模型模拟等方法,分析三山湿地对污染物的拦截净化效果,进而探讨湖泊湿地对水体氮、磷污染物的削减渠道及其贡献率.结果表明三山湿地对太湖水体和三山岛生活污水均有明显净化效果.2014年三山湿地的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)输入通量分别为549.45和19.4t,通过水草打捞/收割分别去除20.99和4.52t,湿地水体内TN、TP变化量分别为528.46和14.88t,这部分营养盐输出途径包括沉积到底泥、降解转化、水体交换等.湿地的TN、TP拦截能力分别为2723.56和102.48 kg/(hm2·a).水生植物收割打捞与底泥疏浚是提高湿地水质净化能力的有效措施.水动力模拟结果显示,三山湿地建成后使附近水域水体流向发生变化,流速减小,对湿地内水质产生多方面的作用.
关键词:  湖泊湿地  三山湿地  太湖  水质净化      水动力
Nutrient removal efficiency of lake wetlands:A case study of Sanshan Wetland in Lake Taihu, eastern China
WANG Yan, HUANG Jiacong, YAN Renhua, GAO Junfeng
Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
To understand the function of lake wetlands in nutrient removal efficiency, Sanshan Wetland in Lake Taihu was selected as the study region. Remote sensing, GIS techniques, field investigation, chemical analysis and hydro-dynamical simulation were integrated to analyze the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient retention of wetland in this study. Various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Sanshan Wetland were analyzed. In 2014, the input of total nitrogen(TN)and total phosphorus(TP)were 549.45t and 19.4t, respectively. About 20.99t TN and 4.52t TP were removed by emerged plants harvest and floating plants salvages. Changes of TN and TP in Sanshan Wetland were 528.46 and 14.88t during the year, respectively. Ways of the nutrients output included several processes of phosphorus sunking, depositing, degradating and exchanging between the Sanshan Wetland and Lake Taihu. The wetland captures of TN and TP were 2723.56 and 102.48kg/(ha·a), respectively. The sediment dredging and plant harvesting and refloating are good ways to improve the water quality in Sanshan Wetland. Hydrodynamic simulation results show that due to the construction of Sanshan Wetland, the flow directions have changed and the velocity currents reduced.
Key words:  Lake wetlands  Sanshan Wetland  Lake Taihu  nutrient removal  nitrogen  phosphorus  hydrodynamic