





引用本文:陈蓉,刘华英,黄斌,杨小霞,李晓曼,孙雯雯,潘学军.滇池水域双酚A的环境多介质迁移和归趋模拟.湖泊科学,2015,27(6):1093-1100. DOI:10.18307/2015.0614
CHEN Rong,LIU Huaying,HUANG Bin,YANG Xiaoxia,LI Xiaoman,SUN Wenwen,PAN Xuejun.Simulation of multimedia transfer and fate of Bisphenol A in Lake Dianchi. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(6):1093-1100. DOI:10.18307/2015.0614
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陈蓉, 刘华英, 黄斌, 杨小霞, 李晓曼, 孙雯雯, 潘学军
昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院, 昆明 650500
关键词:  双酚A  多介质归趋  逸度模型  滇池
Simulation of multimedia transfer and fate of Bisphenol A in Lake Dianchi
CHEN Rong, LIU Huaying, HUANG Bin, YANG Xiaoxia, LI Xiaoman, SUN Wenwen, PAN Xuejun
Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, P.R.China
A multimedia fugacity model (Level IV) was applied to simulate the concentration distribution and transfer fluxes of Bisphenol A (BPA) in three environmental compartments including water, up-sediment, middle-sediment in Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2011. The reliability of this model was analyzed by comparing modeling results with measured data and the key parameters were selected by means of sensitivity analysis. The study results showed that sediment was the main reservoir of BPA in Lake Dianchi. The highest concentration of BPA was observed in the up-sediment. 98% of the total BPA that discharged into Lake Dianchi was removed by its degradation in water with ~1% was removed by water flow or as residual in sediments. The flux from water to sediment was the main process of migration among different media. The study results also indicated that the degradation rate of BPA in water, organic carbon partition coefficient of BPA, organic carbon content of sediment and solid phase volume ratio had significant influences on the sensitivity of the model. The reliability of the model was verified by the agreement between calculated and measured concentrations. The study showed that the established model was suitable for simulating the multimedia transfer and fate of BPA in the Lake Dianchi.
Key words:  Bisphenol A  multimedia fate  fugacity model  Lake Dianchi