





引用本文:李一平,王静雨,滑磊.基于EFDC模型的河道型水库藻类生长对流域污染负荷削减的响应——以广东长潭水库为例.湖泊科学,2015,27(5):811-818. DOI:10.18307/2015.0507
LI Yiping,WANG Jingyu,HUA Lei.Response of algae growth to pollution reduction of drainage basin based on EFDC model for channel reservoirs: A case of Changtan Reservoir, Guangdong Province. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(5):811-818. DOI:10.18307/2015.0507
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李一平1, 王静雨1, 滑磊2
1.河海大学环境学院, 南京 210098;2.浙江省水利河口研究院, 杭州 310020
关键词:  河道型水库  长潭水库  EFDC模型  污染削减  藻类生长响应
Response of algae growth to pollution reduction of drainage basin based on EFDC model for channel reservoirs: A case of Changtan Reservoir, Guangdong Province
LI Yiping1, WANG Jingyu1, HUA Lei2
1.College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P. R. China;2.Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics & Estuary, Hangzhou 310020, P. R. China
The EFDC model has been used to study response of water quality to varying degrees of pollution reduction in Changtan Reservoir. After verification of the model, a water quality model of Changtan Reservoir was built. Algae growth was simulated under the present situation of pollution load. Pollution reduction scenarios based on two hydrologic years were simulated using the water quality model. The results indicated that overmuch nutrient could lead to eutrophication even in wet years. Under 10% reduction of pollution load, average chlorophyll-a concentrations in three areas (reservoir tail, middle and head areas) decreased by 13.99%, 12.00% and 10.35% in wet year and by 8.42%, 5.63% and 2.10% in dry year, respectively. Under the condition of pollution reduced by 20%, chlorophyll-a concentrations in three areas decreased by 26.78%, 19.25% and 17.04% in wet year and by 11.72%, 7.97% and 5.12% in dry year, respectively. The water in the reservoir tail area behaved flowing-water similar to rivers, while the water in the reservoir head area also behaved still-water similar to lakes, which has been more dramatic in dry year and the average chlorophyll-a concentration decreased by 5.12%.
Key words:  Channel reservoir  Changtan Reservoir  EFDC model  pollution load reduction  response of algae growth