引用本文: | 刘勇丽,余辉,徐军,牛远,沙永翠,郭子军,田学达.利用水生植物氮同位素作为人为氮输入太湖的生物指标.湖泊科学,2015,27(2):243-249. DOI:10.18307/2015.0207 |
| LIU Yongli,YU Hui,XU Jun,NIU Yuan,SHA Yongcui,GUO Zijun,TIAN Xueda.Stable nitrogen isotope in aquatic macrophytes as an indicator of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to Lake Taihu. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(2):243-249. DOI:10.18307/2015.0207 |
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利用水生植物氮同位素作为人为氮输入太湖的生物指标 |
刘勇丽1,2, 余辉2, 徐军3, 牛远2, 沙永翠3, 郭子军1,2, 田学达1
1.湘潭大学化工学院, 湘潭 411105;2.中国环境科学研究院湖泊生态环境创新基地, 北京 100012;3.中国科学院水生生物研究所, 武汉 430072
摘要: |
富营养化是一个全球性的环境问题,需要更准确地评估人为氮输入对水生生态系统的影响.而初级生产者的N同位素已成为一个有用的生物指标.本研究通过测定太湖和太湖周围湖荡水生植物的δ15N,与水体中的环境因子做GAM分析,结果表明δ15N与水体中的铵态氮、正磷酸盐、总氮都有很显著的相关性,而这主要是由于植物在吸收和同化过程中有较大的同位素效应.水生植物的氮同位素值与氮的有效性和植物对氮的需求有关.当氮浓度有限时,植物对氮的需求变大并且减少了15N的分馏,水生植物则有较高的同位素值,而高氮浓度下,氮的可用性超过植物对氮的需求,15N分馏增大则氮同位素值较低.无锡地区和吴江地区湖荡水生植物同位素值有显著的差异性,无锡地区湖荡湿地富营养化最严重,所以水生植物的δ15N值比吴江地区高.总体来说,水生植物氮同位素可以作为评价生态系统人为氮输入影响的一个有效且简单的生物指标. |
关键词: 水生植物δ15N GAM 植物氮的需求 人为氮输入 生物指标 |
DOI:10.18307/2015.0207 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07101-001)资助. |
Stable nitrogen isotope in aquatic macrophytes as an indicator of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to Lake Taihu |
LIU Yongli1,2, YU Hui2, XU Jun3, NIU Yuan2, SHA Yongcui3, GUO Zijun1,2, TIAN Xueda1
1.College of Chemical Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, P. R. China;2.Research Center of Lake Environment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, Beijing 100012, P. R. China;3.Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, P. R. China
Abstract: |
Facing the global problem of eutrophication, accurate assessment of the effect of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to the aquatic ecosystem is needed. The nitrogen isotope in primary producers has become a useful biological index. In our study, we measured the δ15N of aquatic plants in Lake Taihu and surrounding regions, and examined its relationship with water nutrient concentrations with the GAM technique. It is concluded that the δ15N and ammonium, phosphate, total nitrogen in the water column have significant correlations. This is because aquatic plants have larger isotope fractionation during nitrogen absorption and assimilation. The δ15N of aquatic plants is related to plant nitrogen demand and nitrogen availability. When the concentration of nitrogen is limited, the plant demands increase and plants have higher δ15N values consistent with constrained discrimination against the heavier 15N isotope. When the concentration of nitrogen is higher, where nitrogen availability exceeds plant demand and plants discrimination against the heavier 15N isotope, the plants have lower δ15N values. There is an extremely significant difference in the δ15N of aquatic plants between Wuxi region and Wujiang region. The water pollution of lakes in Wuxi region was the highest so that the latter have lower δ15N values than the former. The nitrogen isotopes of aquatic plant can be used as an effective and simple biological indicator to evaluate the effect of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs into ecological systems. |
Key words: δ15N of aquatic plants GAM plant nitrogen demand anthropogenic nitrogen inputs biological indicator |