





引用本文:陈瑞弘,李飞鹏,张海平,陈玲,赵建夫,黄子寒.面向流量管理的水动力对淡水藻类影响的概念机制.湖泊科学,2015,27(1):24-30. DOI:10.18307/2015.0103
CHEN Ruihong,LI Feipeng,ZHANG Haiping,CHEN Ling,ZHAO Jianfu,HUANG Zihan.Conceptual mechanism of hydrodynamic impacts on freshwater algae for flow management. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(1):24-30. DOI:10.18307/2015.0103
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陈瑞弘1, 李飞鹏1, 张海平1, 陈玲1, 赵建夫1, 黄子寒2
1.同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092;2.复旦大学环境科学与工程系, 上海 200433
关键词:  水动力  水华藻类  临界流速  流量管理  概念机制
Conceptual mechanism of hydrodynamic impacts on freshwater algae for flow management
CHEN Ruihong1, LI Feipeng1, ZHANG Haiping1, CHEN Ling1, ZHAO Jianfu1, HUANG Zihan2
1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, P. R. China;2.Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, P. R. China
Numerous studies have shown that low flow condition is the main trigger of algae bloom and flow management is widely acknowledged as a strategy for inhibiting bloom development based on critical flow velocity and replacement.Due to the underlying intervention mechanism is still not clear, long-term practices of flow management are not very effective. Based on the research progress and a series of studies through long-term observation, enclosure and laboratory experiments, we present the conceptual mechanism that there existed three different mechanisms of hydrodynamic impacts on freshwater algae:(1) low turbulent flow results in the thickness of cell diffuse layer thinner in favor of nutrients transport from water phase to algae cell,which is preferred by algae growth; (2) medium turbulent flow is harmful to nutrients absorption and light availability of algae and inhibits the algae growth; (3) high shear force can damage the algae cell walls, which are individually determinant in different levels of flow intensity. According to theories, critical flow velocity should be applied from two different aspects of water replacement and cytology in flow management. The results will be of great scientific significance in order to control algle bloom and remain the water quality in flow management.
Key words:  Hydrodynamics  blooming algae  critical flow velocity  flow management  conceptual mechanism