





引用本文:王广召,方涛,唐巍,司马小峰.疏浚对巢湖重污染入湖河流沉积物中污染物赋存及释放的影响.湖泊科学,2014,26(6):837-843. DOI:10.18307/2014.0604
WANG Guangzhao,FANG Tao,TANG Wei,SIMA Xiaofeng.Long-term effects of dredging on pollutant distribution in sediments of a heavily polluted inflow river. J. Lake Sci.2014,26(6):837-843. DOI:10.18307/2014.0604
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王广召1, 方涛2, 唐巍2, 司马小峰2
1.武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院, 武汉 430070;2.中国科学院水生生物研究所, 武汉 430072
以巢湖重污染入湖河流双桥河为研究对象,研究了底泥疏浚对水质以及沉积物中总氮、总磷和有机质的短期影响及长期效应. 结果表明,双桥河水质的季节变化显著,受上游城市污水及周边面源污染的影响,疏浚对水质改善作用不明显. 表层沉积物中总氮、总磷及有机质含量在疏浚结束后1个月有所降低,但是2年后分别回复到疏浚前的189.77%、111.62%和152.87%. 疏浚结束2年后,沉积物中磷主要以钙磷和有机磷的形式存在,铝磷和铁磷的含量较少,弱结合态磷的含量最低;但是表层沉积物中的弱结合态磷、铝磷和铁磷结合态磷含量较疏浚前分别升高了728.32%、13.52%和37.73%,并呈现出表层富集现象,存在较高的污染物释放风险. 这可能是由沉积环境改变、外源污染未得到有效控制引起的. 因此,为了维持疏浚的长期效果,应该对外源污染源进行有效控制.
关键词:  底泥疏浚  双桥河    化学形态  长期效应  巢湖
Long-term effects of dredging on pollutant distribution in sediments of a heavily polluted inflow river
WANG Guangzhao1, FANG Tao2, TANG Wei2, SIMA Xiaofeng2
1.School of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, P.R.China;2.Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, P.R.China
A heavily polluted inflow river of Lake Chaohu, Shuangqiao River, was dredged at April 2010. To evaluate effects of dredging on water quality, the variation of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) of the water were monitored every two months through 2010, and TN, TP, organic matter, as well as different chemical forms of phosphorus of the sediment were investigated before, after and 2 years later of the dredging activities. The results showed that Shuangqiao River received heavy pollution and the water quality changed seasonally, while did not get improved obviously by dredging, partly because of the inflow of upstream sewage and non-point pollution source. There was a significant decline of the content of TN, TP and organic matter in the upper layer of sediments after dredging, while recover to 189.77%, 111.62% and 152.87% compared to those before the dredging. Ca-P and OP took up the largest proportion of the total phosphorus, followed by Fe-P and Al-P, and Lab-P was the lowest after 2 years. However, a surface enrichment was observed, the contents of Lab-P, Al-P and Fe-P in the upper layer of sediments increased 728.32%, 13.52% and 37.73%, respectively, compared to those of pre-dredging. Dynamics of phosphorus chemical forms in sediments means potential risks of internal nutrients releasing caused by dredging. This research suggested that the effective way to improve the water quality should combine dredging with external source pollution control as a whole.
Key words:  Sediment dredging  Shuangqiao River  phosphorus  chemical forms  long-term effects  Lake Chaohu